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Introduction to the Infraction Report Flow


The Central Bank of Brazil allows that if there is an infraction in a PIX transaction, whether a common transaction or a refund, the Indirect Participant can inform the other Participant involved in the flow that there is an irregularity.


It is emphasized that, for a PIX transaction, only the credited Participant can open an Infraction Report.


The Central Bank of Brazil defines that within a period of 7 days from receiving the Infraction Report by the Indirect Participant, the Report must be closed. If there is a delay on the part of the Indirect Participant, QI Tech will close the Infraction Report with the status of agreed, 6 calendar days after sending the receipt of infraction webhook, to ensure the institution is not penalized by the Central Bank of Brazil.

Infraction_Report_Status State Machine

openopenAfter processing the creation of the Infraction Report, it remains open at BACEN.
acknowledgedreceivedQI Tech received an Infraction Report targeting the Indirect Participant and will forward it (report) via webhook.
cancelledcancelledThe Participant who opened the report sent the cancellation, and it is cancelled at BACEN.
closedclosedThe closure of the Infraction Report was processed by QI Tech and is closed at BACEN.

Infraction_Report_Status State Machine Control

Even though the flow is synchronous, it is necessary for the Indirect Participant to know the statuses an Infraction Report can have. Below, we describe what the Participant can expect after opening, cancelling, completing, and receiving an Infraction Report.

Participant Opens Infraction Report

The Indirect Participant can open an Infraction Report at the Central Bank. The only requirement for opening the Report is that a transaction was made through PIX. The Indirect Participant cannot open a second Infraction Report for the same transaction, even if the first Report is already closed.

Participant Cancels Infraction Report

After the Indirect Participant opens an Infraction Report, the Participant can request its cancellation, if necessary, regardless of its status.

Participant Receives Infraction Report

In the incoming infraction flow, the receipt (status acknowledged) is done automatically by QI Tech, and the webhook will be sent to the Indirect Participant with the received infraction. In the outgoing flow, the receipt of a report by the counterparty does not result in an internal status update, as this action does not result in an Infraction entity change. The Indirect Participant will receive the Infraction Report with the status of acknowledged

Participant Closes Infraction Report

After the Indirect Participant is informed that there is an Infraction Report with the status of acknowledged, they must close it. The Indirect Participant must inform, upon closure, the result of the analysis, being able to reject the Infraction Report or accept it within 6 calendar days from the receipt webhook. After this period, if there is no response, it will be automatically accepted by QI Tech to maintain commitment with BACEN and SPI response times.

Infraction_Report_Direction State Machine Control

incomingincomingThe Indirect Participant received the Infraction Report from another Participant.
outgoingoutgoingThe Indirect Participant sent the Infraction Report to another Participant.

Indirect Participant Receives/Closes Infraction Report

In this case, the "infraction_report_direction" field will be "incoming".

Indirect Participant Sends/Cancels Infraction Report

In this case, the "infraction_report_direction" field will be "outgoing". It is emphasized that none of these fields will be sent by the Indirect Participant. They are only contained in the request response.