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Scenario Simulation

Step-by-step guide to simulate the completion of actions performed by external agents. These simulations include the receipt and updates of infraction reports.


There is no payload response (response body) for these requests, only a response status of 204. The content generated by the mock should be received via webhook.

1 - Simulating the Receipt of an Infraction Report

Simulates the receipt of an infraction report opened by another institution.


It is essential to have a valid pix_transfer_key to send the request, regardless of the information from the other party of the transfer, as all information from the second participant will be replaced in the mock process.


Request Body
"infraction_report_status": "acknowledged",
"pix_transfer_key": "28290ff2-2ba7-4e85-9a5e-862c92259b33",
"infraction_report_type": "refund_request",
"infraction_report_situation": "scam",
"infraction_report_details": "Transação com suspeita de fraude.",

Object Request Body

FieldTypeDescriptionMax. Characters
infraction_report_status*stringStatus of receipt of the infraction report. "acknowledged".Enumerators infraction_report_status
pix_transfer_key*stringUUID4, unique key identifying the related transaction.36
infraction_report_type*stringType of Infraction ReportEnumerators infraction_report_type
infraction_report_situation*stringSituation in which the infraction occurredEnumerators infraction_report_situation
infraction_report_details*stringDetails of the infraction report2000

Enumerators infraction_report_status

openstringInfraction report was created and is open at BACEN.-
acknowledgedstringInfraction report was received by the participant-
cancelledstringInfraction report is cancelled at BACEN-
closedstringInfraction report is closed at BACEN-

Enumerators infraction_report_type

refund_requeststringInfraction report will be generated to request a refund.-
refund_cancelledstringInfraction report will be generated due to a cancelled refund.-

Enumerators infraction_report_situation

scamstringCause of scam or fraud.-
account_takeoverstringCause of unauthorized transaction from the origin account.-
coercionstringCause of coercion crime.-
fraudulent_accessstringCause of fraudulent access to the origin account.-
otherstringAny causes not applicable to those listed above.-

2 - Simulating the Update of an Infraction Report

Simulates the status update of an infraction report opened by the indirect participant. The simulation options for updating an infraction report are: 1 - Cancellation: Simulates the cancellation (cancel), made by the other participant, of an infraction report previously opened by themselves.

2 - Closure: Simulates the closure (close), made by the other participant, of an infraction report opened by the indirect participant.


Request Body - Cancel

The Infraction Report identified by the infraction_report_key must have been previously created in the simulation of receiving an infraction report.

"infraction_report_status": "cancelled",
"infraction_report_key": "28290ff2-2ba7-4e85-9a5e-862c92259b34"
Request Body - Closing

The Infraction Report identified by the infraction_report_key must have been previously created by the indirect participant and acknowledged in the simulation of updating an infraction report.

"infraction_report_status": "closed",
"infraction_report_key": "28290ff2-2ba7-4e85-9a5e-862c92259b34",
"analysis_result": "agreed",
"analysis_details": "Valor bloqueado. Para mais informações ligue para (99) 99999-9999."

Object Request Body

FieldTypeDescriptionMax. CharactersInformation
infraction_report_status*stringNew status of the infraction report. "cancelled", "closed"Enumerators infraction_report_status----
infraction_report_key*stringUnique key of the infraction report36----
analysis_result*stringResult of the infraction report analysis. "agreed" or "disagreed"Enumerators analysis_resultMandatory for status "closed"
analysis_details*stringDetails of the infraction report analysis.2000Mandatory for status "closed"

Enumerators analysis_result

agreedstringThe Indirect Participant agrees with the Infraction Report created by the other Participant.-
disagreedstringThe Indirect Participant disagrees with the Infraction Report created by the other Participant.-