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Perform a TED transfer

Receiving a TED transaction is not instantaneous in the national financial system. When performing a TED transaction in the QI system, an immediate response will be returned indicating error, rejection, or acceptance of the transfer. Even if a transfer has been marked as sent, the Receiving Financial Institution may refuse the incoming funds and return the amount. In this case, a new webhook with the status rejected will be sent, and the reason for the rejection will be returned in the refusal_reason field.

Debits in the source account of the transaction will be made immediately. This does not mean that the amount has been credited to the destination account due to the principles of TED transactions described above. If the sent transaction is rejected, the transaction amount will be credited back to the source account.


Request Body
"request_control_key": "0c3d2a3e-c121-464e-b5a4-8e69e0c17bbd",
"target_account": {
"account_branch": "0001",
"account_number": "92796",
"account_digit": "1",
"owner_document_number": "23599885000192",
"owner_name": "Account owner name",
"ispb": "12345678",
"account_type": "checking_account"
"transaction_amount": 8.86


request_control_key *stringUnique request identification key used by the client in uuid v4 format.36
target_account *objectTarget account.Object target_account
transaction_amount *floatTransaction amount.10

Object target_account

account_branch *stringAgency.4
account_digit *stringAccount digit.1
account_number *stringAccount number.20
owner_document_number *stringCPF or CNPJ (numbers only) of account owner.14
owner_name *stringAccount owner name.50
account_type*stringAccount type.Enumerador account_type
ispb *stringBased on the financial institution's CNPJ (8 digits).8

Enumerator account_type

EnumeratorTranslation (PT-BR)
checking_accountconta corrente
deposit_accountconta depósito
guaranteed_accountconta de garantia
investment_accountconta de investimento
payment_accountconta de pagamento
saving_accountconta poupança


Response Body
"request_control_key": "0c3d2a3e-c121-464e-b5a4-8e69e0c17bbd",
"ted_key": "8cb70dea-9fb0-4a68-9572-99a72849c8d6",
"created_at": "2021-10-22T20:30:23.459Z",
"ted_status": "sent",
"transaction_amount": 126.97,
"fee_amount": 0.0
Response Body: Error
"title": "Error title",
"description": "description in English",
"translation": "description in Portuguese",
"code": "Code",
"extra_fields": {}
QI Code
Description (en)
Description in Portuguese
400QIT000001Bad RequestSchema ErrorErro de Schema
400TED000066InvalidUuidrequest_control_key was not accepted for not being a valid uuid v4 stringrequest_control_key não foi aceito por não ser uma palavra uuid v4 válida
400TED000011InvalidUuidWrong day/time for TEDDia/hora incorretos para a TED
400TED000055Invalid ObservationObservation sent is invalidObservação enviada é inválida
400TED000054Invalid Transaction AmountTransaction amount of {transaction_amount} is not valid. It must be a positive value with at maximum 2 decimal placesO valor de transação {transaction_amount} não é válido. Deve ser um valor positivo com no máximo duas casas decimais
400TED000012Bad RequestThe target's length of the account + account_digit cannot be larger than 21O número de digitos na conta de destino + digito não pode ser maior que 21
400TED000053Invalid Target Account TypeTarget Account Type {account_type} is invalidTipo de conta destino {account_type} é inválido
400TED000031Bad RequestISPB number {ispb} does not exist or is inactiveISPB {ispb} não existe ou está inativo
400TED000065Bad RequestIt has been identified by request_control_key that this request is already being processedFoi identificado por request_control_key que está requisição está sendo processada
403TED000071Invalid target accountInvalid target accountConta destino inválida
400TED000058Bad RequestInsufficient account balance for transfer and fee amountSaldo de conta insuficiente para a transação e a taxa
400TED000070Bad RequestInsufficient account balance fee amount in billing accountSaldo de conta centralizadora insuficiente para taxa
400TED000071Bad RequestTransaction cannot be made due to already blocked balanceTransação não pode ser feita pois saldo em conta bloqueado
400TED000068Bad RequestTransfer rejected by the systemtransferêancia foi recusada pelo sistema
404TED000013Bad RequestUnable to find source_account_key's accountNão foi possível encontrar a conta com source_account_key fornecido
400TED000015Bad RequestAccount blocked or closed can not perform this actionA conta bloqueada ou fechada não pode executar esta ação
400TED000016Bad RequestHub account can not perform this actionA conta hub não pode executar esta ação
403TED000017UnauthorizedProvided account does not have approval credential for the given personA conta fornecida não possui credencial de aprovação para a pessoa especificada
403TED000018UnauthorizedProvided account not owned by SELECTED_AGENTConta fornecida não pertencente ao SELECTED_AGENT
400TED000060Bad RequestBilling Account is closedConta centralizadora de pagamentos de tarifa fechada
400TED000061Bad RequestBilling Account without necessary fundsConta centralizadora de pagamentos sem saldo necessário
409TED000064Bad Requestrequest_control_key {request_control_key} already in userequest_control_key {request_control_key} já utilizada