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Webhook after TED sending completion

The webhook will notify if a TED transaction has been returned.

Webhook Request Body

Webhook Body: TED Rejected
"webhook_type": "baas.ted.outgoing_ted",
"webhook_datetime": "2021-10-22T20:30:23.459Z",
"data": {
"request_control_key": "6e290347-330d-4b3a-8ebb-2ac217ad6eb3",
"ted_key": "8cb70dea-9fb0-4a68-9572-99a72849c8d6",
"account_key": "fc6862c4-2b20-4057-8063-b8809866e494",
"created_at": "2021-10-22T20:30:23.459Z",
"ted_status": "sent",
"transaction_amount": 126.97,
"fee_amount": 0.0,
"target_account": {
"account_branch": "0001",
"account_digit": "6",
"account_number": "78340",
"ispb": "12345678",
"owner_document_number": "32402502000135",
"owner_name": "QI Tech"
"refusal_reason": {
"refusal_code": 1,
"enumerator": "conta_destinatario_encerrada",
"description": "Conta Destinatária do Crédito Encerrada"

Webhook Body Param

FieldTypeDescriptionMax. Characters
webhook_typestringAn enumerator that defines the type of event being reported23
webhook_datetimestringDate and time the webhook was sent20
request_control_keystringUnique request identification key used by the client in uuid v4 format36
ted_keystringUnique identification key of the TED transfer36
created_atstringDate and time the transaction was created24
ted_statusstringStatus of the TED transactionEnumerator ted_status
transaction_amountnumberTransfer amount10
fee_amountnumberFee amount charged by the transfer35
target_accountObjectDestination account - Should only be sent in transactions of type "manual"Object target_account
refusal_reasonObjectReason for refusal according to the Central Bank standardObject refusal_reason

Enumerator ted_status

sentTED transfer successfully completed.
pendingTED transfer pending.
rejectedTED transfer rejected.
returnedTED transfer returned.

Object target_account

account_branch *stringBranch.4
account_digit *stringAccount digit1
account_number *stringAccount number.20
owner_document_number *stringCPF or CNPJ (numbers only) of the account holder.14
owner_name *stringName of the account holder.50
account_type *stringAccount type.Enumerator account_type
ispb *stringBased on the financial institution's CNPJ (8 digits).8

Object refusal_reason

bacen_code *stringBacen refusal code3
enumerator *stringBacen refusal enumerator100
description *stringBacen refusal description100

Enumerator account_type

checking_accountconta corrente
deposit_accountconta depósito
guaranteed_accountconta de garantia
investment_accountconta de investimento
payment_accountconta de pagamento
saving_accountconta poupança

Webhook after TED reception

The webhook will inform about the final status of the TED transaction.

Webhook Request Body

Request Body: TED Received
"webhook_type": "baas.ted.incoming_ted",
"webhook_datetime": "2021-10-22T20:30:23.459Z",
"data": {
"request_control_key": "6e290347-330d-4b3a-8ebb-2ac217ad6eb3",
"ted_key": "8cb70dea-9fb0-4a68-9572-99a72849c8d6",
"account_key": "fc6862c4-2b20-4057-8063-b8809866e494",
"created_at": "2021-10-22T20:30:23.459Z",
"ted_status": "received",
"transaction_amount": 126.97,
"fee_amount": 0.0,
"source_account": {
"account_branch": "0001",
"account_digit": "6",
"account_number": "78340",
"ispb": "12345678",
"owner_document_number": "32402502000135",
"owner_name": "QI Tech"
"refusal_reason": {}

Webhook Body Param

FieldTypeDescriptionMax. Characters
webhook_typestringA enumerator that defines the type of event being reported23
webhook_datetimestringDate and time the webhook was sent20
ted_keystringUnique identification key of the TED transfer36
created_atstringDate and time the transaction was created100
ted_statusstringStatus of the TED transactionEnumerator ted_status
transaction_amountnumberTransfer amount10
fee_amountnumberFee amount charged by the transfer35
target_accountObjectDestination account - Should only be sent in transactions of type "manual"Object target_account
refusal_reasonObjectReason for refusal according to the Central Bank standardObject refusal_reason

Enumerator ted_status

receivedTED transfer successfully completed.
pendingTED transfer pending.
rejectedTED transfer rejected.

Object target_account

account_branch *stringBranch.10
account_digit *stringAccount digit10
account_number *stringAccount number.10
owner_document_number *stringCPF or CNPJ (numbers only) of the account holder.14
owner_name *stringName of the account holder.50
account_type*stringAccount type.Enumerator account_type
ispb *stringBased on the financial institution's CNPJ (8 digits).8

Object refusal_reason

bacen_code *stringBacen refusal code3
enumerator *stringBacen refusal enumerator100
description *stringBacen refusal description100

Enumerator account_type

checking_accountconta corrente
deposit_accountconta depósito
guaranteed_accountconta de garantia
investment_accountconta de investimento
payment_accountconta de pagamento
saving_accountconta poupança