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Open Infraction Report

The Infraction Report is one of the services that composes the Special Refund Mechanism (MED) as defined by the Central Bank of Brazil. When there is an indication of a fraudulent transaction, refund request, or refund cancellation request, it is possible to create an infraction report to inform BACEN and the other Participant that there is an irregularity in one of these operations mentioned. Both the debited Participant and the credited Participant can create an Infraction Report.


To understand the Infraction Report flow, it is necessary to know which ENDPOINTS the Indirect Participant who created the report can use. When the Indirect Participant opens an Infraction Report, they can (if necessary) cancel the report if it was generated improperly. When the Indirect Participant receives an Infraction Report, they must close it by informing the result of the report analysis. Both cited flows will be described in the following sections.


The Central Bank of Brazil requires that, within a period of 7 days from receiving the Infraction Report by the Indirect Participant, the Report must be closed. If there is a delay on the part of the Indirect Participant, QI Tech will close the Infraction Report with the status of agreed, to ensure the institution is not penalized by the Central Bank of Brazil.


Only the originator of the transfer can create an infraction report about it.


Request Body
"pix_transfer_key": "c09fef15-ab30-469c-a1d4-4e9dd479943a",
"request_control_key": "c09fef15-ab30-469c-a1d4-4e9dd479943a",
"infraction_report_type": "refund_request",
"infraction_report_details": "Foi identificado uma fraude na transação",
"infraction_report_situation": "scam"

Body Params

request_control_key *uuidv4UUID4 for querying about the made request.36
pix_transfer_key *uuidv4Unique identifier of the PIX transaction.36
infraction_report_type *enumType of infraction report to be created.Enumerators infraction_report_type
infraction_report_detailsstringDetails about the infraction report to be created.10
infraction_report_situationstringSituation in which the infraction occurred.Enumerators infraction_report_situation

Enumerators infraction_report_type

refund_cancelledstringInfraction report will be generated due to a cancelled refund16
refund_requeststringInfraction report will be generated to request a refund14

Enumerators infraction_report_situation

scamstringCause of scam or fraud.-
account_takeoverstringCause of unauthorized transaction from the origin account.-
coercionstringCause of coercion crime.-
fraudulent_accessstringCause of fraudulent access to the origin account.-
otherstringAny causes not applicable to those listed above.-


Response Body
"report_details":"usuario caiu em golpe…",
"infraction_report_direction": "outgoing",
"created_at": "2023-03-03T12:04:06.179Z",
"updated_at": "2023-03-03T12:04:06.179Z"

Body Params

infraction_report_key *stringUnique identifier of the infraction report.36
pix_transfer_key *stringUnique identifier of the PIX transaction.36
end_to_end_id *stringUnique identifier of the PIX transaction at BACEN.36
infraction_report_status *enumStatus.Enumerators infraction_report_status
infraction_report_situation *enumSituation in which the infraction occurred.Enumerators infraction_report_situation
infraction_report_type *enumType of Infraction Report.Enumerators infraction_report_type
infraction_report_detailsstringDetails about the created Infraction Report.<= 2000
credited_participant *stringISPB of the Credited Participant.8
debited_participant *stringISPB of the Debited Participant.8
infraction_report_direction *enumEnumerator on whether the report was opened by the Indirect Participant or another ParticipantEnumerators infraction_report_direction
created_at *stringInfraction Report creation time.24
updated_atstringInfraction Report update time.24

Enumerators infraction_report_status

openstringInfraction report was created and is open at BACEN.-
acknowledgedstringInfraction report was received by the contested participant.-
cancelledstringInfraction report is cancelled at BACEN.-
closedstringInfraction report is closed at BACEN.-

Enumerators infraction_report_direction

incomingstringInfraction report with the indirect participant as the target.-
outgoingstringInfraction report with the indirect participant as the originator.-