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Introduction to PIX QR Code

Any Indirect Participant (Alias) customer can perform operations for creating, querying, and canceling PIX QR Codes.

  • Creation: Static or dynamic QR Codes can be generated. With dynamic QR Codes, it is possible to generate one for instant payment or with a long-term due date. The types will be further explained in the creation process.
  • Querying: With a QR Code or the URL of the QR Code (PIX copy and paste), it is possible to query its information for subsequent payment. The query is called QR Code decoding and generates an end_to_end_id for subsequent payment.
  • Canceling: Canceling a QR Code makes it invalid for payment. The main causes of cancellation are: expired term, QR Code cancellation by alias, or payment.

Types of QR Codes

The type of QR Code is defined during creation by the qr_code_type field.

StaticstaticContains destination PIX key and may contain value. Can be paid at any time, as long as the key is active. No validity period. Reusable.
Dynamic for Instant Paymentdynamic_instantContains payment information, with defined payer, value, and reconciliation key. Payment term in seconds. Single use.
Dynamic with Due Datedynamic_termContains payment information, with defined payer, value, and reconciliation key. Payment term in days, with fine and interest information. Single use.

Payment of a QR Code

After decoding a QR Code and querying the key, an end_to_end_id is generated, which is used in the payment order to finalize the transaction. Additionally, for Dynamic QR Codes, the receiver_conciliation_id field is used to identify the specific QR Code being paid, used by the receiver to continue the operation after payment. When decoding a QR Code, you must send a PIX payment order with the end_to_end_id and receiver_conciliation_id, and the receiving bank will know how to proceed. Similarly, when receiving a PIX payment of the type static_qr_code or dynamic_qr_code, a webhook will be sent, also handled at the end of this QR Code section.