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List QR Codes of an alias

PIX QR Codes, used in image or URL format, follow a standard and must be decoded using logic to extract the payment information. With the URL of the QR Code, it is possible to decode all the information that originated it. The decoding generates an end_to_end_id, which must be used in the QR Code payment along with the receiver_conciliation_id to identify the QR Code payment.


Request Body: Decode QR Code
"qr_code_payload": "***6304D4FD",
qr_code_payloadstringURL of the QR Code for payment (PIX copy and paste).-


200 Ok
Response Body: Static QR Code
"end_to_end_id": "E32402502202303131806WTFZTGAOWiq",
"qr_code_data": {
"additional_data": null,
"amount": null,
"ispb_number": "90400888",
"receiver_conciliation_id": "01GVGV9NXBCY287Z6CJ4S0ENW9",
"target_account_branch": "2980",
"target_account_digit": "5",
"target_account_number": "0000000000022039741",
"target_account_type": "checking_account",
"target_bank_code": 33,
"target_bank_name": "BCO SANTANDER (BRASIL) S.A.",
"target_document_number": "00000000000000",
"target_name": "JOSE RONALDO",
"target_pix_key": "00000000000000"
"qr_code_key": "e54671f5-3eda-4180-8539-0ac6271fe185",
"qr_code_payload": " RONALDO BERNARDINO 26008BRASILIA62070503***63044293",
"qr_code_type": "static"
200 Ok
Response Body: Dynamic QR Code with due date
"request_control_key": "037b46b1-0c67-4c0d-aac3-1e395dfdcb10",
"end_to_end_id": "E32402502202303101532yCipbxgUnUj",
"qr_code_data": {
"account_type": "payment_account",
"additional_data": [],
"amount": "55.59",
"category_code": "0000",
"max_payment_days": 16,
"discount_amount": null,
"expiration_date": "2023-03-27",
"fee_amount": null,
"fine_amount": null,
"ispb_number": "20018183",
"original_amount": "55.59",
"payer_document_number": "00000000000",
"payer_name": "Willian Rocha",
"payer_request": null,
"receiver_conciliation_id": "8b434df48c30482a81f7c936ae35cc87",
"receiver_url": "",
"reduction_amount": null,
"qr_code_status": "active",
"target_account_branch": "0001",
"target_account_digit": "8",
"target_account_number": "589575519784140",
"target_bank_code": null,
"target_bank_name": "Stark Bank S.A.",
"target_document_number": "00000000000000",
"target_name": "TESTE LTDA.",
"target_pix_key": "e623e7b0-d00a-400e-aee6-79632430e817",
"target_trading_name": null,
"presented_at": "2023-03-10T15:32:15.87Z",
"created_at": "2023-01-10T19:49:58.30Z",
"qr_code_key": "8c2c19bd-f260-4714-955c-956f3eaa30ca",
"qr_code_payload": " Sociedade de Credi6015TESTE 62070503***6304D008",
"qr_code_type": "dynamic_term"

200 Ok
Response Body: QR Code with due date
"request_control_key": "037b46b1-0c67-4c0d-aac3-1e395dfdcb10",
"end_to_end_id": "E32402502202303141907qlBAF1evdJ2",
"qr_code_data": {
"account_type": "checking_account",
"additional_data": [],
"amount": "9367.61",
"category_code": "0000",
"expiration_seconds": 201574,
"ispb_number": "00000000",
"payer_document_number": "10003550206",
"payer_name": "ISMAEL FATIMA AMARAL",
"payer_request": "Liquidacao de Parcelas",
"receiver_conciliation_id": "fgnb4NTt7pOUBGfrcporERwVVqr0f8PWRfK",
"receiver_url": "",
"qr_code_status": "active",
"target_account_branch": "1253",
"target_account_digit": "8",
"target_account_number": "107260",
"target_bank_code": 1,
"target_bank_name": "BCO DO BRASIL S.A.",
"target_document_number": "0000000000000",
"target_name": "TESTE LTDA.",
"target_pix_key": "",
"presented_at": "2023-03-14T19:07:48.729Z",
"created_at": "2023-03-13T19:00:28.440Z",
"qr_code_key": "ffd7d60a-0f2d-4b29-9ae2-7f2b919fa65e",
"qr_code_payload": " DE JANEIRO62070503***63047B7D",
"qr_code_type": "dynamic_instant"

Response Body

request_control_key *stringUnique UUID4 identifier of the request that originated the QR Code.-
end_to_end_id *stringUnique identifier of the Pix transaction, end-to-end.-
account_type *stringType of origin account.-
amount *floatQR Code amount currently.-
category_code *stringQR Code identifier for reconciliation after payment.-
expiration_secondsstringIndicates the validity time of the QR Code in seconds, default is 1 day-
ispb_number *stringBank identifier.-
payer_document_number *stringPayer's CPF/ CNPJ.-
payer_name *stringPayer's name.-
payer_request *stringMessage to the payer.-
receiver_conciliation_id *stringQR Code identifier for reconciliation after payment.-
receiver_url *stringURL for querying the dynamic QR Code data.-
qr_code_status *stringQR Code status.-
target_account_branch *stringDestination account branch.-
target_account_digit *stringDestination account check digit.-
target_account_number *stringDestination account number.-
target_bank_code *stringDestination bank code.-
target_bank_name *stringDestination bank name.-
target_document_number *stringCollector's CPF/ CNPJ.-
target_name *stringCollector's name.-
target_trading_name *stringCollector's trade name - only for CNPJ.-
target_pix_key *stringCollector's PIX key.-
qr_code_key *stringUUID4 key identifying the QR Code.-
qr_code_payload *stringQR Code copy and paste URL.-
qr_code_type *stringType of the QR Code."static", "dynamic_term", or "dynamic_instant"
max_payment_daysint32Maximum days for paying the charge after due date.-
expiration_datedateDue date of the charge (in the format "YYYY-MM-DD").-
fine_amountfloatAbsolute fine amount after the due date.-
interest_amountfloatAbsolute value per day of delay after the due date.-
discount_amountfloatDiscount amount.-
original_amountfloatOriginal QR Code amount.-
additional_dataarray of objectsInformation to be presented to the payer.-
presented_at *datetimeDate and time the QR Code was decoded.-
created_at *datetimeDate and time the QR Code was created in the system.-
rebate_amountfloatAbsolute rebate amount before payment.-

Object qr_code_status

activestringQR Code is active and available for payment.-
finishedstringQR Code has been paid.-
written_offstringQR Code has been canceled by the client.-
bank_written_offstringQR Code was automatically canceled due to expiration.-

Object additional_data

key_name *stringName of the field-
valuestringValue of the field-
Response Body: Impossible to decode QR Code
"title": "Bad Request",
"description": "Could not decode QR Code.",
"translation": "Não foi possível decodificar o QR Code.",
"code": "QRI000001"
Response Body: QR Code not found
"title": "Not found",
"description": "Could not find the queried QR Code.",
"translation": "Não possível encontrar o QR Code buscado.",
"code": "QRI000002"