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Consult QR Code

It is possible to search for a specific QR Code of the Alias by the qr_code_key generated during its creation. This endpoint will return all its information, such as status, payment, and events.




200 Ok
Response Body: Geral
"request_control_key": "037b46b1-0c67-4c0d-aac3-1e395dfdcb10",
"pix_key": "3d7d6a2b-f72f-44z7-bb20-79a94dff5645",
"receiver_conciliation_id": "01GVGV9NXBCY287Z6CJ4S0ENW9",
"qr_code_key": "d74bf12a-9243-4bfa-9b00-6b63755b6555",
"qr_code_status": "active",
"qr_code_type": "dynamic_instant",
"amount": 22.34,
"expiration_seconds": 864000,
"expiration_date": null,
"max_payment_days": null,
"payer_name": "João da Silva",
"payer_document_number": "00000000000000",
"payer_person_type": "legal",
"payer_request": "Payment for order XXXXXXXXXXXX",
"rebate_amount": 1,
"interest_amount": 2,
"fine_amount": 3,
"discounts": [],
"additional_data": [
"key_name": "Juros e Multa",
"value": "Juros 2 ao mes e multa de 1%"
"pix_transfer_key": null,
"paid_amount": null,
"base_64_payload": "<BASE64 DA URI DO PIX COPIA E COLA>",
"qr_code_events": [
"request_control_key": "037b46b1-0c67-4c0d-aac3-1e395dfdcb10",
"event_type": "registration",
"created_at": "2023-03-03T12:04:06.179Z"
"request_control_key": "cae915c8-1940-43ec-890b-ba1a3a66354c",
"event_type": "payment",
"created_at": "2023-03-03T12:04:06.179Z"
"created_at": "2023-03-03T12:04:06.179Z"
request_control_key *stringUnique UUID4 identifier of the request that originated the QR Code.-
pix_key *stringPIX key representing the destination account of the transaction.-
receiver_conciliation_id *stringQR Code identifier for reconciliation after payment.-
qr_code_key *stringUUID4 key identifying the QR Code.-
qr_code_status *stringQR Code status.-
qr_code_type *stringQR Code type."dynamic_term" or "dynamic_instant"
amount *floatQR Code amount before calculating discounts or interest and fines.-
expiration_secondsstringIndicates the validity time of the QR Code in seconds, default is 1 day-
expiration_datedateDue date of the charge (in the format "YYYY-MM-DD").-
max_payment_daysint32Maximum days for paying the charge after due date.-
payer_name *stringPayer's name.-
payer_document_number *stringPayer's CPF/ CNPJ.-
payer_request *stringMessage to the payer.-
rebate_amountfloatAbsolute rebate amount before payment.-
interest_amountfloatAbsolute value per day of delay after the due date.-
fine_amountfloatAbsolute fine amount after the due date.-
discountsarray of objectsDiscount settings.-
additional_dataarray of objectsInformation to be presented to the payer.-
pix_transfer_keystringUUID4 key identifying the PIX transaction corresponding to the QR Code settlement.-
paid_amountfloatAmount of the payment made, considering fines, discounts, and others.-
base_64_payloadstringURL of the QR Code for payment in base64.-
qr_code_eventsarray of objectsList of status changes the QR Code has undergone.-
created_atdatetimeDate and time the QR Code was created in the system.-

Object qr_code_status

activestringQR Code is active and available for payment.-
finishedstringQR Code has been paid.-
written_offstringQR Code has been canceled by the client.-
bank_written_offstringQR Code was automatically canceled due to expiration.-

Object discount

discount_value *floatDiscount amount.-
discount_numberint32Order in which the discount should be applied.-
discount_limit_datestringDiscount limit date.-

Object additional_data

key_name *stringName of the field-
valuestringValue of the field-

Object qr_code_events

request_control_key *stringUnique UUID4 identifier of the request that originated the event.-
event_type *stringEvent type"registration", "write_off", "payment"
created_at *datetimeDate and time the event was created.-
Response Body
"title": "Bad Request",
"description": "Invalid payload for QR Code creation.",
"translation": "Payload inválido para a criação de QR Code.",
"code": "QRI000003"

Response Body: QR Code key not found
"title": "Not found",
"description": "No Pix QR Code found for qr_code_key {qr_code_key}.",
"translation": "Não foi encontrado nenhum QR Code com a qr_code_key {qr_code_key}.",
"code": "QRI000005"