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Create Dynamic PIX QR Code with Due Date

The dynamic QR Code with a due date is used for payments where the originator is known and it is desirable to facilitate payment, allowing the addition of deadlines, discounts, fines, and interest. This QR Code is typically used as a replacement for bank slips.


Request Body: Dynamic QR Code with Due Date
"request_control_key": "8a923886-afce-4116-ac1f-69bdffcf8da9",
"qr_code_type": "dynamic_term",
"amount": 10.25,
"receiver_conciliation_id": "01GVGV9NXBCY287Z6CJ4S0ENW9",
"payer_document_number": "00000000000000",
"payer_name": "Random",
"payer_request": "Payment for order XXXXXXXXXX",
"pix_key": "3d7d6a2b-f72f-44c7-bb20-79a94dff5954",
"expiration_date": "2023-03-25",
"max_payment_days": 128,
"fine_amount": 3,
"interest_amount": 2,
"rebate_amount": 1,
"discounts": [],
"additional_data": [
"key_name": "merchant_name",
"value": "Lojas Costa S.A."

Body Params

request_control_key *stringUnique UUID4 identifier of the request.-
qr_code_type *stringType of the dynamic QR Code. "dynamic_term" or "dynamic_instant"-
amount *floatQR Code amount before calculating discounts or interest and fines.-
receiver_conciliation_id *stringQR Code identifier for reconciliation after payment.-
payer_document_number *stringPayer's CPF/ CNPJ.-
payer_name *stringPayer's name.-
payer_request *stringMessage to the payer.-
pix_key *stringPIX key representing the destination account of the transaction.-
expiration_date *dateDue date of the charge (in the format "YYYY-MM-DD").-
max_payment_days *int32Maximum days for paying the charge.-
fine_amount *floatAbsolute fine amount after the due date.-
interest_amount *floatAbsolute value per day of delay after the due date. If paid one day after the due date, the total amount will be the original value + fine.-
rebate_amount *floatAbsolute rebate amount before payment.-
discountsarray of objectsDiscount settings.-
additional_dataarray of objectsExtra information for the QR Code used for reconciliations.-

Object additional_data

key_name *stringName of the field-
value *stringValue of the field-

Object discount

discount_value *floatDiscount amount.-
discount_numberint32Order in which the discount should be applied.-
discount_limit_date *stringDiscount limit date.-


201 Created
Response Body: Create dynamic QR Code with Due Date
"request_control_key": "037b46b1-0c67-4c0d-aac3-1e395dfdcb10",
"qr_code_key": "d74bf12a-9243-4bfa-9b00-6b63755b6555",
"qr_code_status": "active",
"base_64_payload": "<BASE64 DA URI DO PIX COPIA E COLA>",
"created_at": "2023-03-03T12:04:06.179Z",
request_control_key *stringUnique UUID4 identifier of the request.-
qr_code_key *stringQR Code identifier for future requests.-
qr_code_status *stringQR Code status in the system."active": default for creation.
base_64_payload *stringURL of the QR Code for payment in base64.-
created_at *datetimeDate and time the QR Code was created in the system.-

Object qr_code_status

activestringQR Code is active and available for payment.-
finishedstringQR Code has been paid.-
written_offstringQR Code has been canceled by the client.-
bank_written_offstringQR Code was automatically canceled due to expiration.-
Response Body
"title": "Bad Request",
"description": "Invalid payload for QR Code creation.",
"translation": "Payload inválido para a criação de QR Code.",
"code": "QRI000003"