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Cancel Refund Request

The Indirect Participant can cancel a refund request if necessary.

Only the Participant (Direct or Indirect) who created the refund request can cancel it.

To cancel, the status must be OPEN


The Central Bank of Brazil requires that, within a period of 1 day from the receipt of the Refund Request by the Indirect Participant, the Refund must be closed. If there is a delay on the part of the Indirect Participant, QI Tech will close the Refund Request with the status of totally_accepted to ensure the institution is not penalized by the Central Bank of Brazil.


Request Body
"refund_request_status": "cancelled",
"request_control_key": "e09aba97-0051-4c18-b645-1cb3c2581c34"

Path Params

refund_request_key *stringUUID4 of the already created refund.36

Body Params

refund_request_status *stringStatus of the refund update.36
request_control_key *uuidv4UUID4 for querying about the made request.36


Response Body
"refund_request_key": "47633091-7d44-4d10-9d00-1f937104e537",
"pix_transfer_key": "2bcbfd65-8660-4cb0-8ae4-4c4b327b32be",
"end_to_end_id": "E73856642202407011350E8cnA3Ae7r3",
"requested_amount": 10,
"refund_request_status": "cancelled",
"refund_request_type": "operational_flaw",
"infraction_report_key": null,
"refund_request_details": "Foi identificada uma fraude na transação.",
"requesting_participant": "73856642",
"contested_participant": "99999999",
"analysis_result": null,
"analysis_details": null,
"reject_reason": null,
"refund_transfer_key": null,
"refunded_amount": 0.00,
"refund_request_direction": "outgoing",
"created_at": "2024-07-01T13:50:30Z"

Body Params

pix_transfer_key*stringUnique identifier of the PIX transaction.36
refund_request_key*stringUnique identifier of the refund request.36
infraction_report_key*stringUnique identifier of the infraction related to the refund. Only when the type is FRAUD36
refund_request_typeenumType of refund request.Enumerators refund_request_type
requested_amount*floatRefund amount-
refund_request_status*enumStatus.Enumerators refund_request_status
contested_participant*stringISPB of the Credited Participant (Contested).8
requesting_participant*stringISPB of the Debited Participant (Requesting, who is requesting the refund).8
refund_request_details*stringDetails about the refund request.-
analysis_result*enumResult of the refund closure analysis.Enumerators analysis_result
analysis_details*stringDetails of the refund closure analysis.-
reject_reason*stringReason for rejecting the refund, if it is closed with REJECTED.Enumerators reject_reason
refund_transfer_key*stringpix_transfer_key of the refund transaction, if it is closed with acceptance.-
refunded_amount*floatAmount refunded in the refund transaction.-
refund_request_direction*stringDirection of the refund request.Enumerators refund_request_direction
created_at *stringRefund Request creation date24

Enumerators refund_request_status

openRefund Request was created and is open at BACEN.
cancelledRefund Request is cancelled at BACEN
closedRefund Request is closed at BACEN

Enumerators refund_request_type

fraudRefund Request originating from fraud.
operational_flawRefund Request originating from an internal error.

Enumerators analysis_result

totally_acceptedRefund Request was fully accepted.
partially_acceptedRefund Request was partially accepted.
rejectedRefund Request was rejected.

Enumerators reject_reason

no_balanceAccount does not have sufficient balance for the refund.
account_closureAccount is closed, so the refund cannot be processed
otherOther reason

Enumerators refund_request_direction

outgoingParticipant is the originator of the refund request.
incomingParticipant is the target of the refund request.