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Creating a Portability Request


Two-factor authentication is required if the type of key for which portability is being requested is a phone number or email. The token will be sent to the requested number or email. If two-factor authentication is required, the "claim_request_status" will be "pending_claimer_validation". Instructions for sending the token are in the section Two-Factor Authentication


The creation of the portability request must be done using one of the mock Pix keys provided for the sandbox environment. Mock Pix Keys


Request Body
"account_key": "169010e3-6c1e-4521-9253-11cbbf36c59j",
"pix_key": "12345678000190",
"pix_key_type": "cnpj"

Body Params

account_keystringIdentification key of the QI account.36
pix_keyenumKey for which portability is being requested.-
pix_key_typeenumType of pix key for portability.Enumerators

Enumerators pix_key_type

phone_numbernúmero de telefone

Types of Pix Key

The “pix_key” can be a CPF, CNPJ, Email, Mobile Number, or a Random Key (UUID), following these formats: CPF: Integer number with 11 digits. CNPJ: Integer number with 14 digits. Email: Text containing at least one “@”. Mobile Number: Text containing the following values: “+55” + “Cell Phone Area Code“ + “Cell Phone Number with a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 9 digits”. Example: “+5511987654321“. Random Key: UUID.


Response Body
"max_conclusion_date": "2023-05-26T12:13:25",
"claim_request_status": "pending",
"claimant": {
"document_number": "12345678000190",
"claimant_key": "6aaadfbc-76ba-45d2-bb21-138bcb2baa62",
"account_opened_at": "2023-01-17T12:28:37",
"account_branch": "0001",
"account_type": "escrow",
"account_number": "7336349",
"person_type": "legal",
"account_digit": "0"
"max_resolution_date": "2023-05-19T12:13:25",
"claimant_bank_name": "QI SCD S.A.",
"pix_key": {
"pix_key_type": "cnpj",
"pix_key_status": "pending_confirmation",
"created_at": "2023-05-12T12:13:24",
"updated_at": "2023-05-12T12:13:24",
"account_key": "169010e3-6c1e-4521-9253-11cbbf36c59j",
"pix_key": "12345678000190"
"donator_ispb": null,
"external_key": null,
"claim_request_key": "7f8b67d2-d8e4-4759-85eb-e4d0ac24708c",
"claim_request_type": "portability",
"client_role": "claimant",
"confirmation_reason": null,
"requester_key": "e151044c-44d0-48b3-9df1-0b9475077fe5",
"claimant_bank_code": "329",
"cancelled_by": null,
"request_failure_reason": null,
"donator": null,
"account_key": "169010e3-6c1e-4521-9253-11cbbf36c59j"
Response Body: Error
"title": "titulo",
"description": "description in English",
"translation": "description in Portuguese",
"code": "codigo",
"extra_fields": {}
HTTP CodeQI Code
Description (eng)
Description (ptbr)
400PIX000022Pix key already registeredPix key already registered for the account.Chave pix já cadastrada para a conta.
400PIX000014Maximum Number of Pix Keys in UseMaximum number of pix keys for account {account_key} has reachedA conta {account_key} já tem o número máximo de chaves pix.
400PIX000003Account is not OpenedAccount {account_key} is not openedConta {account_key} não está aberta
400PIX000053Invalid Portability RequestPortability within same Financial Institution should follow key alteration flow insteadNão é possível realizar portabilidade dentro da própria instituição financeira. Proceder com o fluxo de alteração
403PIX000054Invalid PermissionPerson 5dbd5598-6b42-4d80-8e5e-1c616cf8b9ab does not have administration roles for account 169010e3-6c1e-4521-9253-11cbbf36c59j.Pessoa 5dbd5598-6b42-4d80-8e5e-1c616cf8b9ab não tem credencial de administrador para a conta 169010e3-6c1e-4521-9253-11cbbf36c59j.
404PIX000017Pix Key is UnregisteredPix key 12345678000190 is not currently used.A chave pix 12345678000190 não está sendo utilizada.
422PIX000077Error when querying pix keyError when querying pix key 12345678000190Erro ao consultar chave pix 12345678000190
400PIX000028Key Type not allowed for portability or claimOnly cpf, cnpj, email and phone_number key_types can be portabilized or claim. Received key_type: random_keySomente os key_types cpf, cnpj, email e phone_number podem ser portabilizados ou reivindicados. key_type recebido: random_key
400PIX000061Invalid DocumentInvalid document sent 12345678000190.Documento enviado é inválido 12345678000190.
404PIX000026Account not foundAccount not found for account_key: 6aaadfbc-76ba-45d2-bb21-138bcb2baa62Conta não encontrada para account_key: 6aaadfbc-76ba-45d2-bb21-138bcb2baa62
404PIX000027Person not foundPerson not found for person_key: {person_key}Pessoa não encontrada para person_key: {person_key}
422PIX000069Pix Key inquiry timeoutPix key inquiry timeout. Please try again.Consulta de chave pix excedeu o tempo limite. Por favor tente novamente.
400PIX000072Pix Key Claim Non FinishedPix key 12345678000190, already has a claim request non finished.Chave pix 12345678000190, já possui um pedido de portabilidade não finalizado.