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Consult Pix Key Data at the Central Bank



Request Path Params

pix_key *stringPix Key to be queried.77
Types of Pix Key

The “pix_key” can be a CPF, CNPJ, Email, Mobile Number, or a Random Key (UUID), following these formats: CPF: Integer number with 11 digits. CNPJ: Integer number with 14 digits. Email: Text containing at least one “@”. Mobile Number: Text containing the following values: “+55” + “Cell Phone Area Code“ + “Cell Phone Number with a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 9 digits”. Example: “+5511987654321“. Random Key: UUID4.

Request Query Params

account_key *uuidv4Unique identification key of the account.36
document_numberstringCPF/CNPJ of the Pix Key holder. By passing this parameter, the field is_pix_key_owner will be returned with a boolean value indicating whether the CPF/CNPJ provided matches the Pix Key holder's.14 or 11
Usage of Query Tokens

To charge the Pix key query token from the account holder, it is mandatory to send the account_key. If the account_key is not sent, the token will be charged from the document number of the integrator partner.


Response Body: Active Key
"account_branch": "452",
"account_created_at": "2021-10-22T20:30.459Z",
"account_digit": "1",
"account_number": "370158",
"account_type": "checking_account",
"bank_code": "237",
"end_to_end_id": "E3240250220230404185631R0kjZnC6G",
"financial_institution": "BCO BRADESCO S.A.",
"is_pix_key_owner": false,
"ispb": "60746948",
"owner_masked_document_number": "***.141.857-**",
"owner_name": "Teste teste",
"owner_person_type": "legal",
"owner_trading_name": "Teste LTDA.",
"pix_key": ""
FieldTypeDescriptionMax. Characters
account_branchstringAccount branch linked to the Pix Key, without the check digit.4
account_created_atstringAccount opening date linked to the Pix Key, provided by the custodian institution of the account.21
account_digitstringCheck digit of the account linked to the Pix Key.1
account_numberstringAccount number linked to the Pix Key without the check digit.20
account_typeenumDefinition of the account type of the Pix Key.Enumerators Account Type
bank_codestringBank code of the Pix Key registrar. May be null for institutions that do not have a bank code.3
end_to_end_idstringUnique identifier of the Pix key query at Bacen. Must be sent in the Pix transfer so that the token consumed in the query can be recovered.32
financial_institutionstringName of the financial institution registering the Pix Key.200
is_pix_key_ownerbooleanA boolean value will be returned if the document_number parameter is passed in the request. This field indicates whether the CPF/CNPJ provided in the document_number parameter matches the Pix Key holder. It will return null if the document_number parameter is not provided.-
ispbstringISPB of the Participant holding the Pix Key.8
owner_masked_document_numberstringMasked CPF number or CNPJ of the Pix Key holder.14
owner_namestringName of the Pix Key holder.120
owner_person_typeenumLegal nature of the Pix Key holder.Enumerators Owner Person Type
owner_trading_namestringTrade name of the Pix Key holder (only for owner_person_type=legal).100
pix_keystringPix Key.-

Enumerators account_type

paymentConta de pagamento
checkingConta de corrente
savingsConta poupança
savingConta poupança
salaryConta salário
saving_accountConta poupança
payment_accountConta de pagamento
checking_accountConta de corrente
salary_accountConta salário
escrowConta Vinculada

Different enumerators can mean the same type of account due to the information returned by different institutions.

Enumerators owner_person_type

Response Body
"title": "titulo",
"description": "description in English",
"translation": "description in Portuguese",
"code": "code"
HTTP CodeQI Code
Description (eng)
Description (ptbr)
404PIX000017Pix Key Not FoundPix key {pix_key} not found.A chave pix {pix_key} não foi encontrada.
403PIX000080Not enough permissionThe selected agent doesn't have permission to access this resource.O agente selecionado não tem permissão para acessar este recurso.
429PIX000081Rate Limit ExceededRate Limit ExceededLimite de requisições excedido
404PIX000083Pix Key not foundPix Key {pix_key} not found for Alias {alias_key}Chave Pix {pix_key} não encontrada para o Alias {alias_key}
400PIX000084Only one query param allowedOnly one query param allowedSomente um parâmetro de consulta é permitido