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Perform Pix Transaction



Path Params

account_keyuuidv4Unique account identification key36

Key Pix Transaction

Request Body: Transaction by Key Pix
"request_control_key": "b6804f32-101e-4702-8fbc-c2dbc4c2caec",
"pix_transfer_type": "key",
"target_pix_key": "",
"transaction_amount": 500.65,
"end_to_end_id": "E73856642202309201429bZKfklNlbwu",
"pix_message": "Hello World"

Body Params

request_control_key *uuidv4Unique identification key for the client request in uuid v4 format.36
pix_transfer_type *enumeratorPix transfer type of the transaction to be performed. In case of a key transfer the value must be key."key"
target_pix_key *stringPix key of the target account.100
transaction_amount *numberTransaction amount.10
end_to_end_id *stringIdempotency key used by the SPI (Instantaneous Payment System). This must be the same as the one returned by pix key inquiry request. It is mandatory for pix_transfer_type key, static_qr_code or dynamic_qr_code32
pix_messagestringMessage sent with the Pix transaction.140

Manual Pix Transaction

Request Body: Manual Pix Transaction
"request_control_key": "b6804f32-101e-4702-8fbc-c2dbc4c2caec",
"pix_transfer_type": "manual",
"target_account": {
"account_branch": "0001",
"account_digit": "3",
"account_number": "12345678",
"owner_document_number": "32402502000135",
"owner_name": "Qi Tech",
"account_type": "checking_account",
"ispb": "32402502"
"transaction_amount": 500.65,
"pix_message": "Hello World"

Body Params

request_control_key *uuidv4Unique identification key for the client request in uuid v4 format.36
pix_transfer_type *enumeratorPix transfer type of the transaction to be performed.manual
target_account *ObjectMust only be sent if pix_transfer_type is manual.Object target_account
transaction_amount *numberTransaction amount.10
pix_messagestringMessage sent with the Pix transaction.140

Object target_account

account_branch *stringAccount agency number.6
account_digit *stringAccount digit.1
account_number *stringAccount number.20
owner_document_number *stringCPF or CNPJ (only numbers) from account owner.14
owner_name *stringAccount owner name.150
account_type*enumeratorAccount Type.Enumerator account_type
ispb *stringFinancial institution identification code8

Enumerator account_type

checking_accountChecking Account
salary_accountSalary Account
saving_accountSaving Account
payment_accountPayment account

QR Code Pix Transaction

The data used to perform a payment transaction with a Pix QR Code must be obtained through the decoding of the Pix QR Code, using the Pix Copy and Paste URI.

  1. The end_to_end_id field must be the same value returned from the decoding of the Dynamic QR Code.
  2. Insert to the transaction_amount field the same value returned in the qr_code_data.amount field from the decoding of the Dynamic QR Code.
  3. Change the pix_transfer_type field to dynamic_term for the payment request.
  4. The receiver_conciliation_id field must be the same value returned from the decoding of the Dynamic QR Code.
Request Body: Qr Code Pix Transaction
"request_control_key": "b6804f32-101e-4702-8fbc-c2dbc4c2caec",
"pix_transfer_type": "static_qr_code",
"transaction_amount": 500.65,
"end_to_end_id": "E73856642202309201429bZKfklNlbwu",
"receiver_conciliation_id": "REC00000000000000000000009459463343",
"target_pix_key": "",
"pix_message": "Hello World"

Body Params

request_control_key *uuidv4Unique identification key for the client request in uuid v4 format.36
pix_transfer_type *enumeratorPix transfer type of the transaction to be performed.static_qr_code ou dynamic_qr_code
target_pix_key *stringTargets pix key.100
receiver_conciliation_idstringConciliation Identification code for receiver.35
transaction_amount *numberTransaction amount.10
end_to_end_id *stringIdempotency key used by the SPI (Instantaneous Payment System). This must be the same as the one returned by pix key inquiry request. It is mandatory for pix_transfer_type key, static_qr_code or dynamic_qr_code32
pix_messagestringMessage sent with the Pix transaction.140

The end_to_end_id must be from an inquiry which has been done by the account to execute the transfer!


The end_to_end_id can only be used for a single transfer, whether successful or not.


Response Body: Transfer Sent
"request_control_key": "b6804f32-101e-4702-8fbc-c2dbc4c2caec",
"pix_transfer_key": "8cb70dea-9fb0-4a68-9572-99a72849c8d6",
"pix_transfer_status": "sent",
"created_at": "2021-10-22T20:30:23.459Z"
Response Body: Transfer Pending
"request_control_key": "b6804f32-101e-4702-8fbc-c2dbc4c2caec",
"pix_transfer_key": "8cb70dea-9fb0-4a68-9572-99a72849c8d6",
"pix_transfer_status": "pending",
"created_at": "2021-10-22T20:30:23.459Z"

If HTTP Status 202 is returned with pending as the value for the field pix_transfer_status, the Pix Transaction must not be attempted again. A Webhook will be sent as soon as the transaction reaches its final status.

Alternatively, it is possible to verify the transfer status using Pix Transaction Inquiry.

Response Body: Transfer Rejected
"title": "title",
"description": "description in English",
"translation": "descrição em portugues",
"code": "code",
"extra_fields": {
"pix_transfer_data": {
"request_control_key": "b6804f32-101e-4702-8fbc-c2dbc4c2caec",
"pix_transfer_key": "8cb70dea-9fb0-4a68-9572-99a72849c8d6",
"pix_transfer_status": "rejected",
"created_at": "2021-10-22T20:30:23.459Z"
Response Body: Error
"title": "titulo",
"description": "description in English",
"translation": "descrição em portugues",
"code": "codigo",
"extra_fields": {}
HTTP Status
Code QI
Description (eng)
Description (ptbr)
400QIT000001Bad RequestSchema ErrorErro de Schema
406PXT000103request_control_key must be a valid uuid v4 stringrequest_control_key was not accepted for not being a valid uuid v4 stringrequest_control_key não foi aceito por não ser uma palavra uuid v4 válida
400PXT000048Bad RequestEmoji not allowed in pix message.Emoji não é permitido na mensagem pix.
400PXT000104Invalid Transaction AmountTransaction amount of {transaction_amount} is not valid. It must be a positive value with at maximum 2 decimal placesO valor de transação {transaction_amount} não é válido. Deve ser um valor positivo com no máximo duas casas decimais
404PXT000004Account not foundAccount not found for: {account_datum}Conta não encontrada para: {account_datum}
400PXT000003Account is ClosedAccount {account_key} is closed.Conta {account_key} está fechada.
422PXT000092Invalid Account TypePix is not yet implemented for non-checking or non-escrow account typesTransações Pix não estão implementadas para conta que não sejam escrow ou livres
403PIT000001User is not allowed to do this transactionUsuário não tem autorização para fazer essa transação
400PXT000010Account is BlockedAccount {account_key} is blocked.Conta {account_key} está bloqueada.
400PXT000003Account is ClosedAccount {account_key} is closed.Conta {account_key} está fechada.
400PIT000003Bad RequestInsufficient account balance for transfer and fee amount.Saldo de conta insuficiente para a transferência e a taxa.
400PXT000118Requester is not Pix ParticipantThe requester sent an alias key but is not a indirect pix participantO requisitante enviou uma alias key no entanto não é um participante do pix indireto
404PXT000120Alias sent not foundAlias key attached to this account not foundAlias key vinculada à conta não encontrada
406PXT000105Invalid end_to_end_idThe end_to_end_id sent {end_to_end_id} is not valid.O end_to_end_id enviado {end_to_end_id} não é válido.
400PXT000108Bad RequestBilling account closed or blockedConta de cobrança encerrada ou bloqueada
400PXT000079Bad RequestInsufficient billing account balance for fee.Saldo de conta de cobrança insuficiente para a taxa.
400PIT000004Bad RequestTransaction amount is over limit.O total da transferência é superior ao limite.
404PIX000056Not FoundPix key inquiry not foundConsulta de chave pix não encontrada
404PXT000041Not FoundQr Code not foundQr Code não encontrado
400PXT000053Bad RequestQrCode already paidQr Code já Pago
400PXT000118Requester is not Pix ParticipantThe requester sent an alias key but is not a indirect pix participantO requisitante enviou uma alias key no entanto não é um participante do pix indireto
404PXT000120Alias sent not foundAlias key attached to this account not foundAlias key vinculada à conta não encontrada
400PXT000115Bad RequestInsufficient account balance for transfer and fee amount.Saldo de conta insuficiente para a transferência e a taxa
400PXT000128Bad RequestPix key {pix_key} sent does match inquiry pix key. Verify if end_to_end_id sent is correctChave Pix {pix_key} enviada não condiz com consulta. Verifique se end_to_end_id enviado está correto
400PXT000109Bad Requestrequest_control_key {request_control_key} already in userequest_control_key {request_control_key} já utilizada
400PXT000061Bad RequestEnd to end id invalid. A pix transfer with the end to end id {end_to_end} has already been registered!End to end id inválido. Uma transação pix com o identificador único {end_to_end} já foi registrada!
400PXT000129SPI Error messageMessage rejected by SPI-ICOMMensagem rejeitada pela SPI-ICOM
408PXT000130SPI Timeout ControlSPI Timeout ControlControle de timeout no SPI
400PXT000131Receiver Internal ErrorCancelled transaction due to receiver's internal errorTransação interrompida devido a erro no PSP do Recebedor
400PXT000132Invalid Target Account NumberTarget account number is invalidNúmero da conta de destino é inexistente ou inválido
400PXT000133Blocked Target AccountTarget account is blocked.A conta de destino encontra-se bloqueada.
400PXT000134Closed Target AccountTarget account is closed.A conta de destino encontra-se encerrada.
400PXT000135Unsupported TransactionUnsupported transaction for given target account.A conta de destino não suporta este tipo de transação.
400PXT000136Invalid ParticipantSPI participant is not PSP settler agent of payer nor receiver.Participante direto do SPI não é liquidante do PSP do Pagador / Recebedor.
400PXT000137Zero Value Payment OrderZero value payment order.Ordem de pagamento com valor zero.
400PXT000138Insufficient FundsInsufficient funds in PI account from payer.Saldo insuficiente na conta PI do pagador.
400PXT000139Return Value Too GreatReturn value greater than corresponding payment order.Valor de devolução acima do valor de pagamento correspondente.
400PXT000140Invalid Transactions NumberInvalid transactions number.Quantidade de transações inválida.
400PXT000141Unrelated Beneficiary Document NumberBeneficiary document number is not that of target account owner.CPF/CNPJ do usuário recebedor não é compatível com o titular da conta de destino.
400PXT000142Invalid Beneficiary Document NumberInvalid beneficiary document numberCPF/CNPJ da conta de destino está incorreto.
400PXT000143Incorrect Message ElementIncorrect message element.Elemento da mensagem incorreto.
403PXT000144Rejected Payment OrderBeneficiary's PSP has rejected payment order.Ordem de pagamento foi rejeitada pelo banco recebedor.
403PXT000145Unauthorized PayerSigning participant is unauthorized to make a payment order for paying account.Participante que assinou a mensagem não é autorizado a realizar a operação na conta PI debitada.
400PXT000146Invalid DatetimeInvalid datetime for message delivery.Data e Hora do envio da mensagem inválida.
400PXT000147Generic ErrorError while processing payment (generic error).Erro no processamento do pagamento (erro genérico).
400PXT000148Bad Format Operation IdentifierBadly formatted operation's identifier.Identificador da operação mal formatado.
400PXT000149Invalid Payer ISPBInvalid or non-existent payer's PSP ISPB number.Número ISPB do PSP do Pagador é inválido ou inexistente.
400PXT000150Invalid Beneficiary ISPBInvalid or non-existent beneficiary's PSP ISPB number.Número ISPB do banco recebedor é inválido ou inexistente.
400PXT000151Incorrect TypeIncorrect type for target account.Type incorreto para a conta transacional especificada.
400PXT000152Repeated End-to-End ID ErrorThe end_to_end_id was already usedO end_to_end_id já foi utilizado
400PXT000153Invalid Target Account TypeThe target account type cannot receive PIX transactionsO tipo de conta destino não pode receber transações PIX
400PXT000154Invalid ISPBInvalid or non-existent ISPB number.Número ISPB é inválido ou inexistente.
400PXT000155Amount too GreatAmount too great for credited account.Valor de pagamento/devolução acima do permitido para a conta de destino creditada.
400PXT000156QR Code RejectedQR Code rejected by beneficiary's PSP.QR Code rejeitado pelo PSP do usuário recebedor.
503PXT000157Bacen Service Unavailable ErrorCould not send the message to ICOM after 3 retriesNão pode enviar a mensagem para a ICOM depois de 3 tentativas
400PXT000158Invalid AmountPaid amount diverges from expected amount of {expected_amount}O valor do pagamento diverge do valor esperado de {expected_amount}
400PXT000159QR code inactiveQR code is not active at the time of paymentQR code não está ativo no instante do pagamento