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Perform Pix Batch Transaction

QI Tech offers the possibility of performing multiple Pix transactions with a single call. In this system, transactions are carried out asynchronously. If an http status 4xx is returned in the initial call, none of the transactions will be executed. After the request, the integrator partner will receive a webhook for each transaction informing the final status of the attempt, which can be rejected or sent.


"request_control_key": "6e4fc980-f8a1-4462-b6e2-d8a49f0ac055",
"pix_transfers": [
"request_control_key": "b6804f32-101e-4702-8fbc-c2dbc4c2caec",
"pix_transfer_type": "key",
"target_pix_key": "",
"transaction_amount": 500.65,
"end_to_end_id": "E73856642202309201429bZKfklNlbwu",
"pix_message": "Hello World!"
"request_control_key": "5fb20e2e-78e3-4ca7-bb36-515640ec2e78",
"pix_transfer_type": "manual",
"target_account": {
"account_branch": "0001",
"account_digit": "3",
"account_number": "12345678",
"owner_document_number": "32402502000135",
"owner_name": "Qi Tech",
"account_type": "checking_account",
"ispb": "32402502"
"transaction_amount": 500.65,
"pix_message": "Hello World!"
"request_control_key": "10ad6e08-1a4c-403c-8122-178b0acf1dfa",
"pix_transfer_type": "static_qr_code",
"transaction_amount": 500.65,
"end_to_end_id": "E73856642202309201429bZKfklNlbrb",
"receiver_conciliation_id": "REC00000000000000000000009459463343",
"target_pix_key": "",
"pix_message": "Hello World!"

Path Params

account_keyuuidv4Unique identification key of the account.36

Body Params

request_control_key *uuidv4Unique request identification key used by the client in uuid v4 format.36
pix_transfers *arrayList of pix_transfer objects linked to the batch.list of Object pix_transfer

Object pix_transfer

request_control_key *uuidv4Unique request identification key used by the client in uuid v4 format.36
pix_transfer_type *enumeratorType of pix to be performed.Enumerator pix_transfer_type
target_pix_keystringPix key of the account to which the transaction will be sent.100
target_accountObjectDestination account - Should only be sent in transfers with pix_transfer_type of type manual.Object target_account
receiver_conciliation_idstringReceiver's conciliation identification.35
transaction_amount *numberTransfer amount.10
end_to_end_idstringIdempotency key of a Pix transaction within the SPI (Instant Payment System). This key is returned in the Pix key query. Should only be sent if the pix_transfer_type is key, static_qr_code, or dynamic_qr_code32
pix_messagestringMessage to be sent along with the Pix transfer.140

Object target_account

account_branch *stringBranch of the account.6
account_digit *stringAccount digit.1
account_number *stringAccount number.20
owner_document_number *stringCPF or CNPJ (numbers only) of the account holder.14
owner_name *stringName of the account holder.150
account_type *enumeratorType of account.Enumerator account_type
ispb *stringBased on the financial institution's CNPJ (8 digits).8

Enumerator account_type

checking_accountConta Corrente
salary_accountConta Salário
saving_accountConta Poupança
payment_accountConta de Pagamentos

Enumerator pix_transfer_type

manualPix using the destination account details. Required to send target_account
keyPix using a pix key. Required to send target_pix_key. Recommended to send end_to_end_id from the Pix key query if it has been performed
static_qr_codePix using a static QR code. Required to send the end_to_end_id returned in the QR code decoding
dynamic_qr_codePix using a dynamic QR code. Required to send the end_to_end_id returned in the QR code decoding


Response Body: Batch Transfer Approved
"request_control_key": "b6804f32-101e-4702-8fbc-c2dbc4c2caec",
"pix_transfer_batch_key": "8cb70dea-9fb0-4a68-9572-99a72849c8d6",
"pix_transfer_batch_status": "approved"

Enumerator pix_transfer_batch_status

approvedBatch transfer approved and transactions in execution process.
rejectedBatch transfer rejected
pending_2fa_approvalBatch transfer pending manual approval
Response Body: Transfer Rejected
"title": "title",
"description": "description in English",
"translation": "description in Portuguese",
"code": "code",
"extra_fields": {
"pix_transfer_batch_data": {
"request_control_key": "b6804f32-101e-4702-8fbc-c2dbc4c2caec",
"pix_transfer_batch_key": "8cb70dea-9fb0-4a68-9572-99a72849c8d6",
"pix_transfer_batch_status": "rejected"
Response Body: Error
"title": "title",
"description": "description in English",
"translation": "description em Portuguese",
"code": "code",
"extra_fields": {}

The errors previously listed for Pix transfer may be returned by this endpoint.