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Consult Return Request

If the Indirect Participant wishes to query the information of a Refund Request, the route below allows it.


The Central Bank of Brazil requires that, within a period of 1 day from the receipt of the Refund Request by the Indirect Participant, the Refund must be closed. If there is a delay on the part of the Indirect Participant, QI Tech will close the Refund Request with the status of totally_accepted to ensure the institution is not penalized by the Central Bank of Brazil.



Path Params

refund_request_keystringUUID4 of the refund.36


Response Body
"refund_request_key": "47633091-7d44-4d10-9d00-1f937104e537",
"pix_transfer_key": "2bcbfd65-8660-4cb0-8ae4-4c4b327b32be",
"end_to_end_id": "E73856642202407011350E8cnA3Ae7r3",
"requested_amount": 10,
"refund_request_status": "closed",
"refund_request_type": "operational_flaw",
"infraction_report_key": null,
"refund_request_details": "Foi identificada uma fraude na transação.",
"requesting_participant": "73856642",
"contested_participant": "99999999",
"analysis_result": "rejected",
"analysis_details": null,
"reject_reason": "account_closure",
"refund_transfer_key": null,
"refunded_amount": 0.00,
"refund_request_direction": "outgoing",
"created_at": "2024-07-01T13:50:30Z",
"refund_events": [
"event_type": "open",
"event_details": "Solicitação de Devolução criada pelo participante indireto",
"created_at": "2024-07-01T13:50:30Z"
"event_type": "closed",
"event_details": "Requisição de devolução fechado pela outra instituição financeira, com status REJEITADO",
"created_at": "2024-07-01T14:02:55Z"

Body Params

pix_transfer_key*stringUnique identifier of the PIX transaction.36
refund_request_key*stringUnique identifier of the refund request.36
infraction_report_key*stringUnique identifier of the infraction related to the refund. Only when the type is FRAUD36
refund_request_typeenumType of refund request.Enumerators refund_request_type
requested_amount*floatRefund amount-
refund_request_status*enumStatus.Enumerators refund_request_status
contested_participant*stringISPB of the Credited Participant (Contested).8
requesting_participant*stringISPB of the Debited Participant (Requesting, who is requesting the refund).8
refund_request_details*stringDetails about the refund request.-
analysis_result*enumResult of the refund closure analysis.Enumerators analysis_result
analysis_details*stringDetails of the refund closure analysis.-
reject_reason*stringReason for rejecting the refund, if it is closed with REJECTED.Enumerators reject_reason
refund_transfer_key*stringpix_transfer_key of the refund transaction, if it is closed with acceptance.-
refunded_amount*floatAmount refunded in the refund transaction.-
refund_events*objectObject for refund request events.Objects refund_events
refund_request_direction*stringDirection of the refund request.Enumerators refund_request_direction
created_at *stringRefund Request creation date24

Enumerators refund_request_status

openRefund Request was created and is open at BACEN.
cancelledRefund Request is cancelled at BACEN
closedRefund Request is closed at BACEN

Enumerators refund_request_type

fraudRefund Request originating from fraud.
operational_flawRefund Request originating from an internal error.

Enumerators analysis_result

totally_acceptedRefund Request was fully accepted.
partially_acceptedRefund Request was partially accepted.
rejectedRefund Request was rejected.

Enumerators reject_reason

no_balanceAccount does not have sufficient balance for the refund.
account_closureAccount is closed, so the refund cannot be processed
otherOther reason.

Enumerators refund_request_direction

outgoingParticipant is the originator of the refund request.
incomingParticipant is the target of the refund request.

Objects refund_events

event_typeType of the refund event. Enumerators refund_request_status
event_detailsDetails about the event.
created_atEvent creation date.