Query account
Field | Type | Description |
ACCOUNT_KEY | UUID | Key of the account to be detailed |
Response Body
"account_branch": "0001",
"account_digit": "5",
"account_documents": ["1e4b8746-da58-4799-bcd0-063326428ssd"],
"account_key": "3e4b8746-da58-4799-bcd0-063326428d3f",
"account_number": "5960388",
"account_status": "opened",
"account_type": "checking",
"balance": 264.76,
"blocked_balance": 0,
"owner_document_number": "30987145223",
"owner_name": "Maria Luiza Vieira",
"owner_person_key": "47d08366-a8ec-414c-a0a5-a089fc8a4ee8",
"created_at": "2023-05-15T19:56:10"
Body params
Field | Type | Description | Max. Characters |
account_key | uuid | Unique account identifier. | 36 |
account_branch | string | Branch, without the check digit. | 4 |
account_digit | string | Account check digit. | 1 |
account_number | string | Account number, without the check digit. | 20 |
account_type | string | Definition of account type. | 20 |
account_status | string | Account status. | Enumerators account_status |
owner_document_number | string | CPF or CNPJ number. | 14 |
owner_name | string | Account holder's name. | 120 |
balance | double | Account balance. | 120 |
blocked_balance | double | Blocked account balance. | 120 |
owner_person_key | string | Unique identifier of the account holder. | 36 |
account_documents | ARRAY | Array of unique account identifiers. | - |
created_at | datetime Zulu | Date the request was created. | 20 |
Enumerators account_status
Enumerator | Description |
opened | Account opened |
closed | Account closed |
blocked | Account blocked |
404Response Body: User does not have credentials
"title": "Not Found",
"description": "Account not found for the given key 3e4b8746-da58-4799-bcd0-063326428d3f",
"translation": "Conta não encontrada para a seguinte chave 3e4b8746-da58-4799-bcd0-063326428d3f",
"code": "ACC000006"
403Response Body: User does not have credentials
"title": "Permission Validator Error",
"description": "Selected agent do not own this item.",
"translation": "O agente selecionado não é dono do item.",
"code": "QIT000005"