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Authorization Request

Once the program is set up, the cardholder has been added and has an active card, which can be used to make purchases at various points of sale around the world. Whenever a purchase is started, an Authorization is created to authorize it. An Authorization Request is forwarded to the integration partner, so that it can decide whether or not to approve this authorization based on the information contained within the request.

The Authorization entity contains the current state of the authorized and captured values and can assume the following status values:

pendingAuthorization request was authorized and no capture or reversal events were processed
unauthorizedAuthorization request was not approved
completedAuthorization with at least one captured value (equal to, less than, or greater than the total authorized amount)
reversedAuthorization was voided in full or expired without capture

Authorization details can be found at Retrieve Authorization.

The Authorization Request contains Authentication Headers and has the following attributes:

Authorization Request

Request Body
"authorization_key": "c91ce179-517c-48f9-9c28-18368457b67f",
"authorization_request_key": "cccbd9e9-863f-44b5-aa05-f6afa555bb74",
"card": {
"card_key": "05fd3654-1f5d-479d-ade5-64239fdf214d",
"account_key": "595e08f0-da4e-40f7-8db4-f9a25c829818",
"type": "virtual",
"card_name": "ecommerce sample",
"printed_name": "Aurora Catarina",
"status": "active",
"brand": "visa",
"bin": "123456",
"last_four_digits": "5695"
"terminal_id": "123456",
"terminal_country_code": "BRA",
"terminal_type": "2",
"terminal_pin_entry_capability": true,
"terminal_magnetic_stripe_capability": true,
"terminal_contactless_capability": false,
"terminal_chip_capability": true,
"merchant_acquirer_code": "250",
"merchant_code": "123456",
"merchant_name": "VASP LINHAS AEREAS",
"merchant_street": "RUA CMDTE X, 127",
"merchant_city": "SAO PAULO, SP",
"merchant_region": "BRA",
"merchant_postal_code": "04570-140",
"merchant_mcc": "3036",
"authorization_code": "473890",
"nsu": "123456",
"acquirer_reference_number": "12312423",
"merchant_currency_code": "BRL",
"merchant_amount": 10.59,
"billing_currency_code": "BRL",
"billing_amount": 10.59,
"processing_datetime": "2023-01-10T13:45:52.000Z",
"number_of_installments": 1,
"authorization_request_type": "authorization",
"pan_entry_mode": "chip",
"pin_sent": true,
"authorization": {Authorization Object}

Authorization Request

authorization_request_keystringAuthorization request unique identifier
authorization_keystringAuthorization unique identifier
cardobjectObject Card
terminal_idstringThe terminal identifier sent by the acquirer in the authentication message
terminal_country_codestringThe country code of the terminal, sent in the authorization message according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-3
terminal_typestringThe endpoint type as received in the authorization message
terminal_pin_entry_capabilitybooleanIs there a possibility to enter the card password in the terminal?
terminal_magnetic_stripe_capabilitybooleanIs the terminal capable of reading the magnetic stripe?
terminal_contactless_capabilitybooleanIs the terminal capable of initiating contactless transactions?
terminal_chip_capabilitybooleanIs the terminal capable of initiating transactions using the EMV chip?
merchant_acquirer_codestringThe acquirer's identifier as per the authorization message
merchant_codestringThe identifier of the merchant in the acquirer according to the authorization message
merchant_namestringThe name of the merchant according to the authorization message
merchant_streetstringMerchant's address street
merchant_citystringMerchant's address city
merchant_regionstringMerchant's address region
merchant_postal_codestringMerchant's address postal code
merchant_mccstringMerchant's category code - Updated list can be found here
authorization_codestring6-digit authorization code
nsustringUnique sequential number that defines an authorization
acquirer_reference_numberstringUnique identifier of the authorization in the acquirer
merchant_currency_codestringThe currency used by the merchant - ISO 4217-alpha
merchant_amountdecimalAuthorization amount in the merchant's currency
billing_currency_codestringThe cardholder's billing currency - ISO 4217-alpha
billing_amountdecimalAuthorization amount in cardholder's billing currency
processing_datetimetimestamp utcAuthorization's processing time
number_of_installationsintNumber of installments
authorization_request_typeenumEnumerator of Authorization Request Types
pan_entry_modeenumPAN Input Modes - Chip, Typed, Stripe, Fallback, Contactless
pin_sentbooleanWas a PIN entered in the terminal?
authorizationobjectAuthorization object in Retrieve Authorization - presented only when the type of the authorization request is incremental

Card Object

card_keystringCard unique identifier
account_keystringCard linked account unique identifier
typestringCard type
card_namestringCard name
printed_namestringName printed on card
statusstringCurrent card status
brandstringCard network name
binstringCard BIN
last_four_digitsstringCard's last four digits

Authorization Request Types

authorizationNormal authorization request
incremental_authorizationIncremental authorization request
partial_reversal_authorizationAuthorization to perform a partial reversal of a previous authorized Authorization
reversal_authorizationAuthorization to fully reverse a previous Authorization

PAN Input Modes

EnumeratorISO 8583Description
unknown00PAN entry mode unknown.
typed01PAN entered manually (typed).
bar_code03PAN entered via barcode reader
ocr04PAN entered via OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
chip05PAN inserted by integrated circuit card (Chip)
track_106PAN inserted by Track 1 of the stripe card
contactless07PAN entered via Contactless EMV
fallback_typed79An attempt was made to use the card or stripe reader on the device and the card but it was not possible to process the transaction with that information (Possibly a problem with the device or the card), so the PAN was entered. In some cases, the acquirer is not approved to use the CHIP or the stripe and sends this code.
fallback_magnetic_stripe80An attempt was made to use the card reader on the device and the card but it was not possible to process the transaction with that information (Possibly a problem with the device or the card), so the magnetic stripe on the card was used.
ecommerce81E-commerce / non-face-to-face transaction
magnetic_stripe90Stripe transaction (Card does not have a chip or device does not have a reader/was not approved)

Approve or deny response to an authorization request

The response to the Authorization Request must be always a HTTP Status 201 and the decision must be informed in the authorization_request_response attribute. If the decision is negative, a denial reason enumerator must be informed and the denial details can be provided.

Response Body
"approve": false,
"denial_reason": "fraud_suspicion",
"denial_reason_details": "Customer tried to perform a transaction 10 times the average transactions"


authorization_request_response (required)enumeratorauthorized if the authorization is approved or unauthorized if the authorization is denied
denial_reasonenumDenial Reason Enumerator
denial_reason_detailsstringDenial reason details

Denial Reason Enumerator

fraud_suspicionAuthorization request with suspicious behavior
blocked_cardholderCardholder blocked or with restrictions

Negative answer

Any HTTP status other than 201 will be interpreted as the client's inability to process the authorization. The decision rule configured in the client program will then be applied for cases of unavailability.

Important: Authorizations that are denied by the default card validation rules are automatically responded to the card network (Visa) by QI without forwarding the authorization request to the integration partner.

Incremental Authorization

An Authorization may receive more than one Authorization Request- the second and greater are called incremental authorizations. Each Authorization Request may or may not be authorized and the Authorization entity always represents the result of all authorized responses to Authorization Requests.

An incremental authorization can be identified by the authorization_type field with value incremental_authorization. Whenever the request is of this type, the related Authorization object will be sent together with the Authorization Request payload.