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In this section, you will learn about the necessary steps for issuing, formalizing, disbursing, and canceling a credit contract.

1 - Uploading Required Documents for Debt Issuance

To issue a debt, certain regulatory criteria must be met. One of these criteria is the identification of the debtor by the financial institution issuing the credit. To fulfill this criterion, at a minimum, the following documents must be submitted:

  • Person: Official photo ID (RG or CNH);
  • Corporate: Articles of Incorporation/Bylaws, Election Meeting Minutes (for corporations), Official photo ID of representatives, Power of Attorney (if there are proxies)

To submit these documents, you must use our document upload endpoint.


QI Tech offers a comprehensive Onboarding solution, including OCR for document validation and Anti-fraud measures.

Check the service API documentation here.

For quotations and more information, please contact our sales team:

Email: Phone: (11) 2339-4763

2 - Debt Simulation

At QI Tech, we provide our clients the ability to simulate credit operation values before their actual issuance. The simulation follows the same pattern as the debt issuance request, but it's not necessary to provide the debtor's registration and disbursement account details. Furthermore, we offer the possibility to perform several simulations with a single request..

3 - Debt Issuance

With the credit operation draft defined, the QI Tech support team will parameterize the contract on the platform, and its PDF can be issued through the debt issuance endpoint, as per the cases below: To issue a debt for an person.

4 - Signature Process

After completing all these steps, we move on to the debt assignment process, which is 100% managed by QI Tech. Para entender as configurações de assinatura clique aqui.

5 - Operation Disbursement

The disbursement is automatic and can be configured in two ways. To understand the disbursement configurations here.


By default, operations are disbursed via PIX to the account provided for the operation, but there are five options that can be selected:

1- Pix with account information;;

2- Pix with key;;

3- Ted;

4- QR code Pix;

5- Boleto;

They have specific fields and are detailed in the "disbursement_bank_accounts" key of the contract issuance.

The QI Tech disbursement routine runs every minute, checking if all the configured requirements for the product have been met for that specific contract and updating its status.

Requirements for Disbursement:

  • Disbursement Date

The credit contract of the operation is only disbursed on the date defined as "disbursement_date".

  • Issued and Signed Credit Contract

The credit contract of the operation must be issued and signed.

  • Collateral Constituted

In the case of operations that require guarantees, the collateral must be constituted for disbursement to proceed.

  • Disbursement Approval

If the "approval for disbursement" configuration is active, the contract will only be disbursed after the approval API call.

  • Operations with Down Payment Must Be Paid

If the created operation has a down payment parameter, the disbursement only occurs after the payment and financial settlement in the QI Tech system.

  • Limit Alignment

If the "high frequency disbursement" configuration is active, it is required to have an available credit limit for the operation to be disbursed.

  • Contract Assignment

If the "disbursement after assignment" configuration is active, the operation must be assigned for the operation to be disbursed.


QI Tech does not provide credit! We are a debt facilitators and not competitors to our customers.