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Issuance of Corporate debt

With the debt issuance API, it is possible to request the issuance of a debt for a legal entity. It is not necessary to pre-register the borrower; simply provide the registration details at the time of the debt request.


QI Tech offers a solution for onboarding new clients and anti-fraud.

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To receive a quote, contact our sales team: or (11) 3522-1301.

The debt API is designed to be executed in just one request, after a prior upload of files (document upload). The header and body signature format for this request is described in detail here.


Request Body
"borrower": {
"email": "",
"phone": {
"number": "991112222",
"area_code": "11",
"country_code": "055"
"address": {
"city": "São Paulo",
"state": "SP",
"number": "215",
"street": "Rua Gilberto Sabino",
"complement": "3 andar",
"postal_code": "05425020",
"neighborhood": "Pinheiros"
"cnae_code": "6822-6/00",
"role_type": "issuer",
"person_type": "legal",
"company_type": "ltda",
"trading_name": "NOME FANTASIA DA EMPRESA",
"foundation_date": "2019-07-05",
"attached_documents_list": [],
"company_document_number": "80282008000127",
"company_statute": "aa28e598-55e2-40f1-8884-671772c541a1",
"company_representatives": [
"email": "",
"phone": {
"number": "990121234",
"area_code": "11",
"country_code": "055"
"is_pep": false,
"spouse": {
"email": "",
"phone": {
"number": "988881234",
"area_code": "11",
"country_code": "055"
"birth_date": "1994-12-04",
"person_type": "natural",
"is_pep": false,
"individual_document_number": "26571990032",
"document_identification_number": "10101010100",
"address": {
"city": "São Paulo",
"state": "SP",
"number": "215",
"street": "Rua Gilberto Sabino",
"complement": "3 andar",
"postal_code": "05425020",
"neighborhood": "Pinheiros"
"address": {
"city": "São Paulo",
"state": "SP",
"number": "215",
"street": "Rua Gilberto Sabino",
"complement": "3 andar",
"postal_code": "05425020",
"neighborhood": "Pinheiros"
"role_type": "company_representative",
"birth_date": "1993-09-10",
"profession": "DIRETOR",
"nationality": "BRASILEIRO",
"person_type": "natural",
"marital_status": "married",
"property_system": "partial_communion_of_goods",
"attached_documents_list": [],
"individual_document_number": "31057466093",
"document_identification_number": "20202020200"
"financial": {
"disbursed_amount": 10000,
"interest_type": "pre_price_days",
"credit_operation_type": "ccb",
"monthly_interest_rate": 0.03,
"disbursement_date": "2023-05-04",
"first_due_date": "2023-06-03",
"interest_grace_period": 0,
"principal_grace_period": 0,
"number_of_installments": 1,
"fine_configuration": {
"contract_fine_rate": 0.02,
"interest_base": "calendar_days",
"monthly_rate": 0.01
"disbursement_bank_account": {
"document_number": "80282008000127",
"bank_code": "341",
"branch_number": "8615",
"account_number": "22110",
"account_digit": "2",
"account_type": "checking_account"
"purchaser_document_number": "32402502000135"


The response to this debt request will return the payment plan as well as a DEBT-KEY, which is the debt identifier in QI SCD.

Response Body
"data": {
"additional_iof": 38.57988,
"annual_cet": "71,3492%",
"assignment_amount": 10254.13,
"base_iof": 12.487704111671501,
"borrower": {
"document_number": "80282008000127",
"related_party_key": "7620181e-f46a-45c1-a4ea-60439b9662ad"
"cet": "4,5900%",
"collaterals": [],
"contract": {
"number": "0000069971/RSE",
"signature_information": [
"signature_url": null,
"signer_document_number": "31057466093",
"signer_email": "",
"signer_external_key": null,
"signer_name": "NOME DO REPRESENTANTE",
"signer_role": "issuer"
"urls": [
"contract_fee_amount": 101.53,
"contract_fees": [
"fee_amount": 101.53,
"fee_type": "tac"
"external_contract_fee_amount": 101.53,
"external_contract_fees": [
"fee_amount": 101.53,
"fee_type": "spread",
"net_fee_amount": 92.14,
"tax_amount": 9.39
"fee_amount": 0,
"fee_type": "tac",
"net_fee_amount": 0,
"tax_amount": 0
"installments": [
"accrual_reference_date": null,
"additional_costs": [],
"advanced_paid_amount": 0,
"bank_slip_key": null,
"business_due_date": "2023-06-05",
"calendar_days": 30,
"digitable_line": null,
"due_date": "2023-06-03",
"due_interest": 0,
"due_principal": 10152.6,
"fine_amount": null,
"has_interest": true,
"installment_history": [],
"installment_key": "0eb42a83-557a-437a-9819-099b5364cde9",
"installment_number": 1,
"installment_payment": [],
"installment_status": "created",
"installment_type": "principal",
"original_due_principal": 10152.6,
"original_pre_fixed_amount": 300.3450311613816,
"original_principal_amortization_amount": 10152.60496883862,
"original_total_amount": 10452.95,
"paid_amount": 0,
"paid_at": null,
"post_fixed_amount": 0,
"pre_fixed_amount": 300.3450311613816,
"principal_amortization_amount": 10152.60496883862,
"qr_code_key": null,
"qr_code_url": null,
"renegotiation_proposal_key": null,
"tax_amount": 12.487704111671501,
"total_accrual_amount": null,
"total_amount": 10452.95,
"total_paid_amount": 0,
"workdays": 21
"iof_charge_method": "financed",
"issue_amount": 10152.6,
"net_external_contract_fee_amount": 92.14,
"number_of_installments": 1,
"prefixed_interest_rate": {
"annual_rate": 0.42576089,
"created_at": "2023-05-04T12:28:30",
"daily_rate": 0.00097227,
"interest_base": "calendar_days_365",
"monthly_rate": 0.03
"requester_identifier_key": "feceb7fe-1305-45eb-899d-c87d36bcc534",
"total_iof": 51.07,
"total_pre_fixed_amount": 300.3450311613816
"event_datetime": "2023-05-04 12:28:35",
"key": "feceb7fe-1305-45eb-899d-c87d36bcc534",
"status": "waiting_signature",
"webhook_type": "debt"

Object Request Body

FieldTypeDescriptionMax. Caract.
borrower *objectObject Borrower - Credit operation borrower-
guarantorobjectObject Guarantor - Credit operation guarantors-
disbursement_bank_account *objectObject Disbursement Bank Account - Bank account details for the operation disbursement-
financial *objectObject Financial - Bank account details for the operation disbursement. Identifier indicating that the sent object is an individual. It must ALWAYS contain the value "natural" for individual borrowers-
purchaser_document_number *stringCNPJ do cessionário (comprador) da operação de crédito-

Object Borrower

FieldTypeDescriptionMax. Caract.
name *stringCompany's corporate name100
trading_name *stringNome fantasia
email *stringCompany's institutional email254
phone *objectObject Phone - Company's phone number-
is_pep *booleanPEP indicator (
address *objectObject Address - Borrower's address

| - | | role_type * | enum | default: issuer | - | | person_type * | string | Legal entity indicator - default: legal | - | | company_document_number * | string | CNPJ (numbers only) | - | | cnae_code * | string | National Classification of Economic Activities | | | company_representatives * | array of objects | List of the company's legal representatives | Object Company Representatives | | company_type * | enum | Company type: "ltda", "sa", "micro_enterprise" ou "freelancer"| - | | company_statute * | string | document_key of the company's articles of association PDF | | | directors_election_minute | string | document_key of the company's election minutes PDF (mandatory only for companies with company_type "sa") | | | foundation_date * | date | Company opening date (format "YYYY-MM-DD") | |

As shown above, both the "borrower" field and the "guarantors" fields can be populated by either a PF Object or a PJ Object. The PJ Object represents a legal entity in QI Tech.

Object Company Representatives

FiledDescriptionExampeMáx. Caract.
person_type *stringIdentifier indicating that the sent object is an individual or a legal entity.natural
name *stringCorporate name for corporate operations or person's name for person operations. Limited to 100 characters.
mother_name *stringMother's name of the client in case of person. Limited to 100 characters.
birth_date *stringDate of birth of the person (format "YYYY-MM-DD")-
profession *stringClient's profession. Limited to 64 characters.64
nationality *stringClient's nationality.50
marital_status *stringClient's marital status.l do cliente.
property_system *stringProperty separation regime (mandatory only for individuals with marital_status "married")..Enumeradores property_system
wedding_certificate *stringDOCUMENT_KEY of the marriage certificate PDF (previously sent). If marital_status is "single," the value of this field must be NULL..
spouse *stringObject Spouse (Mandatory only when "compulsory_separation_of_goods" is "total_communion_of_goods," "partial_communion_of_goods," "final_participation_of_acquisitions," or "compulsory_separation_of_goods." If marital_status is "single," the value of this field must be NULL.Object Spouse
is_pep *booleanDeclaration if the person is PEP (
individual_document_number *stringPerson's CPF (numbers only).10
document_identification *stringDOCUMENT_KEY of the photo identification document PDF (RG or CNH) (previously sent)
document_identification_backstringDOCUMENT_KEY of the back side of the photo identification document PDF (RG or CNH) (previously sent).
document_identification_type *stringQual o tipo do documento de identificação enviado.
document_identification_number *stringIdentification document number of the person sent in "document_identification".16
email *stringClient's email.254
phone *objectClient's phone number.Object Phone
addressobjectClient's address.Object Address
proof_of_residencestringDOCUMENT_KEY of the address proof PDF (previously sent).-

Object Spouse

FieldDescriptionExampleMax. Caract.
person_type *stringIdentifier indicating that the sent object is an individual or a legal entity.natural
name *stringCorporate name for corporate operations or person's name for person operations. Limited to 100 characters.
mother_name *stringMother's name of the client in case of person. Limited to 100 characters
birth_date *stringDate of birth of the person (format "YYYY-MM-DD")-
profession *stringClient's profession. Limited to 64 characters.64
is_pep *booleanDeclaration if the person is PEP (
individual_document_number *stringPerson's CPF (numbers only).10
document_identification_number *stringIdentification document number of the person sent in "document_identification".16
email *stringClient's email254
phone *objectClient's phone number.Object phone
addressobjectClient's address.Object address

Object Address

FieldTypeDescriptionMax. Caract.
city *stringCity100
state *stringAddress state (with two uppercase characters)2
number *stringAddress Numner10
street *stringSteet100
complement *stringAddress complement (free text)100
postal_code *stringPostal Code (
neighborhood *stringNeighborhood100

Object Phone

FieldDescriptionExampleMax. Caract.
number *stringPhone number10
area_code *stringPhone area code (DDD) (
country_code *stringPhone DDI code (

Object Disbursement Bank Account

A debt issuance must contain the bank information for disbursement, by default, an account held by the debtor.

FieldTypeDescriptionMax. Caract.
namestringAccount owner's name

| 50 | | document_number | string | Account owner's CPF | 11 | | bank_code * | string | Financial institution's COMPE code financeira ( | 3 | | branch_number * | string | Branch number (do not include the branch check digit!) | 4 | | account_number * | string | Account number (without the account check digit!) | 10 | | account_digit * | string | Account check digit (use zero in place of letters) | 1 | | account_type | enum | Enumerador Account Type Account type | 1 |

Object Financial

The financial object describes the financial information of the issuance. Here, the interest rate, grace period, and debt value, among others, are defined. The Financial Object has the fields described below, but it is important to note that some fields are optional and mutually exclusive (if one is available, the other should not be sent).

FieldTypeDescriptionMax. Caract.
amoutfloatIssue/Nominal value of the credit operation-
interest_typeobjectEnumerador Interest Type - Amortization method and interest calculation method-
credit_operation_typeobjectEnumerador Credit Operation Type - Credit contract type-
annual_interest_ratefloatPre-fixed interest rate expressed in decimal per year-
disbursement_datedateOperation disbursement date-
interest_grace_periodintInterest grace period (in months)-
principal_grace_periodintPrincipal grace period-
number_of_installmentsintNumber of installments of the credit operation-
fine_configurationobjectObject Fine Configuration - Late interest and penalty configuration-

Object Fine Configuration

In the Fine Configuration Object, the penalty and late interest amounts of the credit operation are provided.

FieldTypeDescriptionMax. Caract.
contract_fine_ratefloatPenalty rate for delay-
interest_baseenumEnumerador Interest Base - Interest calculation base-
monthly_ratefloatMonthly late interest rate-

Object Rebates

FieldTypeDescriptionMax. Caract.
fee_type *enumFee Type.-
amount_type *objectAmount Type.-
amount *objectFee amount. If the fee type is percentage, the value must be between 0 and 100.-

Response Body

FieldTypeDescriptionMax. Caract.
data[n].dataobjectObject Data-
data[n].event_datetimedateMoment of credit operation generation-
data[n].keystringDEBT-KEY - Unique key of the credit operation within QI-
data[n].statusstringPossible status of a debt-


Person Type_Enumerators


Amount Type_Enumerators

tacFee charged to the borrower.
spreadFee charged to the fund added to the operation's transfer price.

Account Type_Enumerators

checking_accountchecking account
deposit_accountdeposit account
guaranteed_accountguaranteed account
investment_accountinvestment account
payment_accountpayment account
saving_accountsaving account
salary_accountsalary account

Interest Type_Enumerators

pre_price_daysPrice amortization method (equal installments) with calculation of pre-fixed interest per day
pre_pricePrice amortization method (equal installments) with pre-fixed interest calculation in fixed periods (30 days)
pre_sacSAC amortization method (constant amortization) with pre-fixed interest calculation per day
post_sacSAC amortization method (constant amortization) with interest calculation based on a pre-fixed rate + post-fixed indexer (CDI, IPCA, or IGPM) per day
post_pricePrice amortization method (equal installments) with interest calculation based on a pre-fixed rate + post-fixed indexer (CDI, IPCA, or IGPM) in fixed periods (30 days)
post_price_daysPrice amortization method (equal installments) with interest calculation based on a pre-fixed rate + post-fixed indexer (CDI, IPCA, or IGPM) per day

Credit Operation Type_Enumerators

ccbCédula de Crédito Bancário
cceCédula de Crédito à Exportação
cciCédula de Crédito Imobiliário
nceNota de Crédito à Exportação

Interest Base_Enumerators

workdaysInterest calculation base in business days considering a year of 252 days
calendar_daysInterest calculation base in business days considering a year of 360 days
calendar_days_365Interest calculation base in business days considering a year of 365 days

Fee Type_Enumerators

Cada tipo de fee deve ser previamente habilitado e configurado pela QI Tech

tacRegistration opening fee
spreadSpread charged on the acquisition value of the credit operation
warranty_analysisWarranty analysis fee
ted_feeTED Fee
spread_ted_feeTED fee spread charged on the acquisition value of the credit operation