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Personal Debt Issuance

With the debt issuance API, it is possible to request the issuance of a debt for an individual. It is not necessary to pre-register the borrower; simply provide the registration details at the time of the debt request.


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The debt API is designed to be executed in just one request, after a prior upload of files (document upload). The header and body signature format for this request is described in detail here.


Request Body
"borrower": {
"name": "Alan Mathison Turing",
"email": "",
"phone": {
"number": "912345678",
"area_code": "11",
"country_code": "055"
"is_pep": false,
"address": {
"city": "São Paulo",
"state": "SP",
"number": "1000",
"street": "Avenida Feliz",
"complement": "AP 801",
"postal_code": "49026100",
"neighborhood": "Centro"
"role_type": "issuer",
"birth_date": "1990-11-20",
"mother_name": "Nome da Mãe do Alan",
"nationality": "brasileiro",
"person_type": "natural",
"individual_document_number": "96969879003",
"document_identification": "494598fd-c226-4332-a500-591ae3884673"
"financial": {
"amount": 123456,
"interest_type": "pre_price_days",
"credit_operation_type": "ccb",
"annual_interest_rate": 2.32,
"disbursement_date": "2023-03-01",
"interest_grace_period": 0,
"principal_grace_period": 0,
"number_of_installments": 2,
"fine_configuration": {
"contract_fine_rate": 0.02,
"interest_base": "calendar_days",
"monthly_rate": 0.01
"disbursement_bank_account": {
"name": "Alan Mathison Turing",
"document_number": "96969879003",
"bank_code": "341",
"branch_number": "8615",
"account_number": "22110",
"account_digit": "2",
"account_type": "checking_account"
"purchaser_document_number": "32402502000135"


The response to this debt request will return the payment plan as well as a DEBT-KEY, which is the debt identifier in QI SCD.

Response Body
"data": {
"additional_iof": 469.1328,
"annual_cet": "283,3821%",
"assignment_amount": 124690.56,
"base_iof": 473.6829374063069,
"borrower": {
"document_number": "96969879003",
"name": "Alan Mathison Turing"
"cet": "11,8500%",
"collaterals": [],
"contract": {
"number": "0000067563/AMT",
"signature_information": [
"signature_url": null,
"signer_document_number": "15627918004",
"signer_email": "",
"signer_external_key": null,
"signer_name": "Alan Mathison Turing",
"signer_role": "issuer"
"urls": [
"contract_fee_amount": 1234.56,
"contract_fees": [
"fee_amount": 1234.56,
"fee_type": "tac"
"external_contract_fee_amount": 1234.56,
"external_contract_fees": [
"fee_amount": 1234.56,
"fee_type": "spread",
"net_fee_amount": 1120.36,
"tax_amount": 114.2
"installments": [
"accrual_reference_date": null,
"additional_costs": [],
"advanced_paid_amount": 0,
"bank_slip_key": null,
"business_due_date": "2023-04-03",
"calendar_days": 31,
"digitable_line": null,
"due_date": "2023-04-02",
"due_interest": 0,
"due_principal": 123456,
"fine_amount": null,
"has_interest": true,
"installment_history": [],
"installment_key": "da264e95-2bbd-47de-876b-bfea7d25e266",
"installment_number": 1,
"installment_payment": [],
"installment_status": "created",
"installment_type": "principal",
"original_due_principal": 123456,
"original_pre_fixed_amount": 13245.468714162304,
"original_principal_amortization_amount": 58473.151285837695,
"original_total_amount": 71718.62,
"paid_amount": 0,
"paid_at": null,
"post_fixed_amount": 0,
"pre_fixed_amount": 13245.468714162304,
"principal_amortization_amount": 58473.151285837695,
"qr_code_key": null,
"qr_code_url": null,
"renegotiation_proposal_key": null,
"tax_amount": 148.63875056859942,
"total_accrual_amount": null,
"total_amount": 71718.62,
"total_paid_amount": 0,
"workdays": 21
"accrual_reference_date": null,
"additional_costs": [],
"advanced_paid_amount": 0,
"bank_slip_key": null,
"business_due_date": "2023-05-02",
"calendar_days": 30,
"digitable_line": null,
"due_date": "2023-05-02",
"due_interest": 0,
"due_principal": 64982.848714162305,
"fine_amount": null,
"has_interest": true,
"installment_history": [],
"installment_key": "cac7064b-2310-45e1-a91f-5e8f39f0f0ea",
"installment_number": 2,
"installment_payment": [],
"installment_status": "created",
"installment_type": "principal",
"original_due_principal": 64982.848714162305,
"original_pre_fixed_amount": 6735.77577015044,
"original_principal_amortization_amount": 64982.84422984956,
"original_total_amount": 71718.62,
"paid_amount": 0,
"paid_at": null,
"post_fixed_amount": 0,
"pre_fixed_amount": 6735.77577015044,
"principal_amortization_amount": 64982.84422984956,
"qr_code_key": null,
"qr_code_url": null,
"renegotiation_proposal_key": null,
"tax_amount": 325.0441868377075,
"total_accrual_amount": null,
"total_amount": 71718.62,
"total_paid_amount": 0,
"workdays": 19
"iof_charge_method": "financed",
"issue_amount": 123456,
"net_external_contract_fee_amount": 1120.36,
"number_of_installments": 2,
"prefixed_interest_rate": {
"annual_rate": 2.32,
"created_at": "2023-03-02T23:48:15",
"daily_rate": 0.00329298,
"interest_base": "calendar_days_365",
"monthly_rate": 0.10516767
"requester_identifier_key": "1c2ca4dc-2a20-4dd4-bd5f-af143fadadf4",
"total_iof": 942.82,
"total_pre_fixed_amount": 19981.244484312745
"event_datetime": "2023-03-02 23:48:20",
"key": "1c2ca4dc-2a20-4dd4-bd5f-af143fadadf4",
"status": "waiting_signature",
"webhook_type": "debt"


Object Request Body

FieldTypeDescriptionMax. Caract.
borrower *objectObject Borrower - Credit operation debtor
disbursement_bank_account *objectObject Disbursement Bank Account - Bank account details for the operation disbursement-
financial *objectObject Financial - Bank account details for the operation disbursement. Identifier indicating that the sent object is an individual. It must ALWAYS contain the value "natural" for individual borrowers.-
purchaser_document_number *stringCNPJ of the credit operation assignee (buyer)-

Object Borrower

FieldTypeDescriptionMax. Caract.
name *stringBorrower's name100
emailstringBorrower's email254
phoneobjectObject Phone - Borrower's contact phone-
is_pep *booleanPEP indicator (
address *objectObject Address - Borrower's address-
role_type *enumdefault: issuer-
birth_date *dateBorrower's date of birth (format "YYYY-MM-DD")-
mother_name *stringBorrower's mother's name100
nationalitystringBorrower's nationality50
person_type *stringIndividual indicator - default: natural-
individual_document_number *stringBorrower's CPF (numbers only)11
document_identification *stringDOCUMENT_KEY of the Borrower's photo identification document PDF (RG or CNH)-
document_identification_backstringDOCUMENT_KEY of the PDF of the back side of the photo identification document (RG or CNH) (previously sent)11
wedding_certificatestringDOCUMENT_KEY of the marriage certificate PDF (previously sent). If marital_status is "single," the value of this field must be NULL..11
proof_of_residence *stringDOCUMENT_KEY of the address proof PDF (previously sent).11

Object Address

FieldTypeDescriptionMax. Caract.
city *stringCity100
state *stringState (with two uppercase characters)2
number *stringNumber10
street *stringStreet100
complement *stringAddress complement (free text)100
postal_code *stringPostal Code (
neighborhood *stringNeighborhood100

Object Phone

FieldDescriptionExampleMax. Caract.
number *stringPhone number10
area_code *stringPhone area code (DDD) (
country_code *stringPhone DDI code (

Object Disbursement Bank Account

A debt issuance must contain the disbursement bank account information, typically an account held by the debtor.

FieldTypeDescriptionMax. Caract.
namestringAccount owner's name50
document_numberstringAccount owner's CPF11
bank_code *stringFinancial institution's COMPE code (
branch_number *stringBranch number (do not include the branch check digit!)4
account_number *stringAccount number (without the account check digit!)10
account_digit *stringAccount check digit (use zero in place of letters)1
account_typeenumEnumerador Account Type Account type1

Object Financial

The financial object describes the financial information of the credit operation.

FieldTypeDescriptionMax. Caract.
amoutfloatIssuance/Nominal value of the credit operation-
interest_typeobjectEnumerador Interest Type - Amortization method and interest calculation method-
credit_operation_typeobjectEnumerador Credit Operation Type - Credit contract type-
annual_interest_ratefloatPre-fixed interest rate expressed in decimal per year-
disbursement_datedateOperation disbursement date-
interest_grace_periodintInterest grace period (in months)-
principal_grace_periodintPrincipal grace period-
number_of_installmentsintNumber of installments of the credit operation-
fine_configurationobjectObject Fine Configuration - Late interest and penalty configuration-

Object Fine Configuration

In the Fine Configuration object, the penalty and interest values for late payment in the credit operation are specified.

FieldTypeDescriptionMax. Caract.
contract_fine_ratefloatPenalty rate for delay-
interest_baseenumEnumerador Interest Base - Interest calculation base-
monthly_ratefloatMonthly late interest rate-

Object Rebates

FieldTypeDescriptionMax. Caract.
fee_type *enumFee type.-
amount_type *objectType of the amount to be charged.-
amount *objectFee amount. If the fee type is percentage, the value must be between 0 and 100.-

Response Body

FieldTypeDescriptionMax. Caract.
data[n].dataobjectObject Data-
data[n].event_datetimedateMoment of credit operation generation-
data[n].keystringDEBT-KEY - Unique key of the credit operation within QI-
data[n].statusstringPossívies Status de uma dívida-


Person Type Enumerators_


Amount Type_Enumerators

tacFee charged to the borrower.
spreadFee charged to the fund added to the operation's transfer price.

Account Type_Enumerators

checking_accountchecking account
deposit_accountdeposit account
guaranteed_accountguaranteed account
investment_accountinvestment account
payment_accountpayment account
saving_accountsaving account
salary_accountsalary account

Interest Type Enumerators_

pre_price_daysPrice amortization method (equal installments) with calculation of pre-fixed interest per day
pre_pricePrice amortization method (equal installments) with pre-fixed interest calculation in fixed periods (30 days)
pre_sacSAC amortization method (constant amortization) with pre-fixed interest calculation per day
post_sacSAC amortization method (constant amortization) with interest calculation based on a pre-fixed rate + post-fixed indexer (CDI, IPCA, or IGPM) per day
post_pricePrice amortization method (equal installments) with interest calculation based on a pre-fixed rate + post-fixed indexer (CDI, IPCA, or IGPM) in fixed periods (30 days)
post_price_daysPrice amortization method (equal installments) with interest calculation based on a pre-fixed rate + post-fixed indexer (CDI, IPCA, or IGPM) per day

Credit Operation Type_Enumerators

ccb"Cédula de Crédito Bancário"
cce"Cédula de Crédito à Exportação"
cci"Cédula de Crédito Imobiliário"
nce"Nota de Crédito à Exportação"

Interest Base_Enumerators

workdaysInterest calculation base in business days considering a year of 252 days
calendar_daysInterest calculation base in calendar days considering a year of 360 days
calendar_days_365Interest calculation base in calendar days considering a year of 365 days

Fee Type_Enumerators

Each type of fee must be enabled and configured in advance by QI Tech.

tacRegistration opening fee
spreadSpread charged on the acquisition value of the credit operation
warranty_analysisWarrantly analysis fee
ted_feeTED fee
spread_ted_feeTED fee spread charged on the acquisition value of the credit operation