import UIKit
import ZaigIosDeviceScan
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var zaigDeviceScan : ZaigIosDeviceScan?
override func viewDidLoad() {
func setupDeviceScan() -> Void
// The environment can be 'sandbox' ou 'production'
let environment = "sandbox"
// MobileToken is the key sent to you by QI Tech. Each environment requires a different MobileToken.
// You must send the same session id in the moment of using the device scan and event analysis. It must be a key that uniquely identifies each user session in the app
let sessionId = "62715840-068a-4ded-a4e2-a1ec83f857d4"
self.zaigDeviceScan = try ZaigIosDeviceScan(environment: environment, mobileToken: mobileToken, sessionId: sessionId)
print ("Error found when instantiating Zaigs DeviceScan")
let permissions = ["location"]
try self.zaigDeviceScan?.requestPermissions(permissions: permissions)
print ("Error found when requesting Zaigs DeviceScan's permissions")
func onSuccess()
// Do something if QI Tech DeviceScan's collectData method succesfully collected device data
func onError()
// Do something if QI Tech DeviceScan's collectData method found any error when collecting device data
func collectZaigDeviceScanData()
// If you have your customer's document number (CPF or CNPJ without dots, hyphen or slash), you must sent it to QI Tech
let documentNumber = "12345678900"
// EventType must represent with type of interation the user had with your app on the moment that collectData method was called
let eventType = "login"
// EventId is your code that identifies the event sent to QI Tech
let eventId = "7038632032"
try self.zaigDeviceScan?.collectData(documentNumber: documentNumber, eventId: eventId, eventType: eventType, onSuccessHandler: self.onSuccess, onErrorHandler: self.onError)
print("Error found when collecting Zaigs DeviceScan data")
Para utilizar a SDK do Device Scan iOS, os seguintes passos s ão necessários:
Inserir as autorizações no arquivo Info.plist
Adicionar o framework ao projeto do aplicativo
Ao iniciar a aplicação, instanciar a biblioteca, passando os parâmetros adequados
Caso sua aplicação ainda não tenha solicitado as permissões ao usuário, requisitar as permissões ao usuário por meio da função requestPermissions
do objeto previamente instanciado
Coletar e enviar os dados por meio do método collectData