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Authentication test

1. Introduction

Since every request must be signed using asymmetric keys, they must be encrypted before being sent, and responses must be decrypted to read their content.

2. Import libraries

In this Python example, we are using 5 libraries to perform the authentication process.

import json
from datetime import datetime
from hashlib import md5
from jose import jwt
import requests

3. Define variables

Define the variables method, endpoint, and content specific to each request (in this example, we will use the "POST" method for the "/test" endpoint with "json" content):

Request Data
base_url = ""
date ="%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT")
method = "POST"
content_type = "application/json"
endpoint = "/test"

4. Build payload and header

Next, we define the header and body of the request according to the documentation of the API that will be used.

headers = {"alg": "ES512", "typ": "JWT"}
body = {"name": "QI Tech"}

5. Insert the private key and the integration key

Encryption data
api_key = "212edd2b-6520-4d6f-909d-6647a5617ff2"

client_private_key = '''-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----
-----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----'''

qi_public_key = '''-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----'''

6. Encrypt the body

Encrypting the request body
encoded_body_token = jwt.encode(claims=body, key=client_private_key, algorithm="ES512")

7. Build encrypted payload

This variable contains the encrypted body that must be sent in the requests in the form

Body to be sent in the request
request_body = {"encoded_body": encoded_body_token}

8. Build MD5 hash for JSON header signature

Build MD5 hash for header signature using the encrypted payload (in this example, we use hashlib's MD5 as md5)

Creating the body hash
md5_encode = md5()
md5_body = md5_encode.hexdigest()

9. Format header date

IMPORTANT: The current date formatting for the header signature must be in the format "Fri, 13 May 2022 16:49:15 GMT".

base_url = ""

date ="%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT")

// highlight-end
method = "POST"
content_type = "application/json"
endpoint = "/test"

10. Creating the string to be signed

Build the signature string containing the date and MD5 hash. The method and content_type of the request must also be defined (in this example, we will use the POST method with content in json format).

string_to_sign = method + "\n" + md5_body + "\n" + content_type + "\n" + date + "\n" + endpoint

11. Encrypt the header

Perform encryption using the JWT library (in this code example, we use jsonwebtoken as jwt in JavaScript)

claims = {"sub": api_key, "signature": string_to_sign}
encoded_header_token = jwt.encode(claims=claims, key=client_private_key, algorithm="ES512", headers=headers,)

12. Building the final header

authorization = "QIT" + " " + api_key + ":" + encoded_header_token
request_header = {"AUTHORIZATION": authorization, "API-CLIENT-KEY": api_key}
Definindo url final
url = f"{base_url}{endpoint}"

Making the request

resp =, headers=request_header, json=request_body)